Module 05 D-Immobility


Module 05 D-Immobility


at least two professional references, published within the past 5 yearsUse APA guidelines in-body citation


Reply to Hunter


the complications associated with immobility include pressure injuries, loss of muscle mass, pneumonia, and permanent loss of function for the immobilized part (Williams, 2022). Nursing interventions that can help with these complications are regularly turning and positioning the patient, use of pressure relief devices, ROM exercises, coughing and deep breathing exercises, assisted ambulation, and addressing the psychosocial needs needs of the immobilized patient (Williams, 2022).


Ensuring the safety of both the patient and yourself is a top priority when assisting clients. To ensure your own safety, assess the situation before attempting anything and obtain help when possible. Using proper body mechanics when moving a patient is also crucial to ensuring your own safety, this includes providing yourself with stability, using your leg muscles instead of your back, keeping your work load close to your body and center of gravity, and pulling things instead of pushing when possible (Williams, 2022). To ensure the safety of the client, use smooth movements, assure proper alignment when moving and positioning, turn at least every two hours, educate them on the importance of safe ambulation, monitor ambulation closely, and assess their level of risk, condition and needs often (Registered Nursing, n.d.).







Reply to Alexia


In order to stay healthy and recover from injuries or illnesses, mobility is extremely important. Mobility changes can be caused by diseases like strokes, neurological disorders, orthopedic injuries, and operations. The effects of being immobile on various bodily systems can be significant (Rassmussen University, 2023). Inactivity for an extended period of time increases the risk of blood clots like deep vein thrombosis, which can result in life-threatening complications like pulmonary embolism (CDC, 2022).


Interventions from nurses are essential in preventing complications brought on by immobility. Strategies such as regular turning and repositioning, the use of specialized mattresses to prevent pressure ulcers, ambulation, compression devices, anticoagulant therapy, leg exercises to prevent deep vein thrombosis, and the assessment and treatment of the client’s psychological health through encouraging communication and enjoyable activities to prevent psychological distress are all crucial interventions when it comes to complications associated with immobility (Rasmussen University, 2023).


To ensure my safety and the safety of the client, I would use proper body mechanics, including the use of suitable assistive devices like bedrails, mechanical lifts, or additional staff assistance as needed, to prevent strain or injury during movement or repositioning of the client (Rasmussen University, 2023). Adhering to infection control protocols, like proper hand hygiene, would also be a priority to prevent the spread of infection.