Module 7- OL620

 Overview: For this task, you will write a short paper addressing the concerns and strategy for executive compensation in a not-for-profit/charity setting. 

Prompt: Begin by reading and critically analyzing the case study “Nonprofit Executive Compensation: How Much is Too Much?” 

Then, write a short paper that  answers the following questions: 

 What are some of the advantages for a not-for-profit organization that pays its executives similarly to a for-profit business? Explain using specific details. 

 What are some of the disadvantages of expecting executives to work for less in a not-for-profit than they would in a comparable position in a for-profit  corporation? Explain using specific details. 

Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your paper musts be submitted as a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document (in addition to a cover page and references). Use double  spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Cite at least three sources according to APA style.