Movie Evaluation

Writing Assignment One: Movie Evaluation


Assignment Description:

Select your favorite or least favorite movie and write an evaluation. This is a diagnostic essay which means you will receive five points for class participation and a “sample” grade to get used to my grading style. Most essays will be worth ten points and I grade 10/10 (ten out of ten points), 8/10, 6/10, and 5/10. Do not summarize the movie! Follow the five paragraph essay format and provide solid specific supports (in the PIE format).  Your illustrations should include specific scenes from the movie. Italicize movie titles throughout your essay.

This essay is to be written in the five paragraph essay format. I have posted a power point presentation on the five paragraph essay on Moodle, but here are a few highlights of what I am looking for in this assignment:

  • All writing assignments should be in Times New Roman font, 12 point, double spaced.
  • On the first page, in the upper left-hand corner please provide the following on separate lines, in this order: your name, my name, ENG 101, date.
  • Center the title of your essay on the next line.
  • On page two and subsequent pages on the upper right hand corner, include your last name and page number, i.e. Martin 2.

For paragraph one (the introduction paragraph) I am looking for the following:

  • This could be one sentence or question. You may also write two or three sentences describing a scenario. The idea is to “hook” the reader.
  • Thesis statement. This statement should include a limited subject (the restaurant) and the precise opinion (what you think about this restaurant).
  • What three main points will you cover in your paper? The order of your blueprint should match their appearance in your central paragraphs and should run from least important to most important. A-B-C or paragraphs 2-3-4.

For paragraphs two, three, and four (the body of your essay), this is what you need:

  • A transition/topic sentence.
  • Two to three specific supports following the PIE format (refer to the power point on the five paragraph essay for an example of what I mean by PIE).

The fifth paragraph or the conclusion paragraph should only include the following:

  • A reworded thesis statement.
  • A reworded motivator.




Assignment Goals:

  • To write a college level evaluation essay in MLA format.
  • To develop a concise thesis statement.
  • To identify major criteria supporting a thesis statement.
  • To articulate specific supports that back the major points of the paper.

Grading Criteria:

  • Is the paper clearly written and well organized?
  • Is there a clearly defined thesis statement?
  • Are specific supports presented in the ‘PIE’ format with well-developed illustrations?
  • Proper MLA format.
  • Evidence of proofreading/ editing.

Additional Requirements:

  • Minimum of two full pages… no more than three pages in length.

Peer Edit &Due Date:

  • Refer to the course calendar!