Movie Review

SWK535 Movie Reflection Rubric (3-4 Pages) 150 points
Students will watch two films to help them understand the utility of case management services. Students must watch the films and engage in self-reflection and critical analysis of the issues presented throughout the films. Use APA format and the follow the rubric posted on Blackboard. The films are:
The Waiting Room:
Living in tents: for rent at
Instruction Feedback Points Earned Points Possible
Provide a brief summary of the films, their main points, and positions 50
Describe your position and personal reflections about the films. Incorporate relevant readings from the text to support your position. 75
Use the headings provided in this rubric and present organized sentences and paragraphs.
All sentences are well constructed and have varied structure and length. No errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling.
APA style formatting