Respond to the Classmate’s Discussion as you would in a face-to face class by asking
questions and stating your point of view.
Classmates Discussion S.W.
This was a very informative chapter! The older I get and the more I have friends that
have children and think about the process of creating a baby, I am amazed with the
human body! It is incredible that the body of a woman can create a person and contain
everything the child needs from conception to even after the child is born! I’ve never had
children, but I could only imagine how amazing it must be. I would have to change a lot
about my life if I did have one though, especially my stress levels, ha! I would really have
to make sure I was decreasing my adrenal levels, which would probably be harder for me
than not eating foods that could be a risk. I would also have to stop taking headache
medication too, which would be difficult, but worth it, I’m sure. On the note of having
children, I do agree with what it said about more and more people deciding to wait to
have children until they’re older. I’ve been noticing this as well and, just because of
where we are today in our country, I think it’s smart. Of course, I don’t judge those that
have children early. I, myself, was one of those people when I was younger, but I have
since changed my mind about that and can definitely see the benefit to having a them
later in life after establishing a career. Not only that, but ensuring you have a loyal
partner that will help equally in the relationship and child rearing (if that’s what you
want). This has been a huge factor in my own life. If I ever did decide to have children, I
would want to make sure (as much as I can) that my children will be raised in a healthy
household. That is very important to me!
After hearing all the complications that can go on from pregnancy, I guess it’s a little
surprising we have so many healthy births, especially with all the things these days that
give us cancer and sicknesses. The mortality rate is pretty high too (6.7% of 1,000
births)! I also couldn’t imagine having to go through the term of your pregnancy knowing
that your child is stillborn or having something happen to your child while delivering!
How incredibly sad. One of my sisters had twins and had to go into early delivery, which
is normal for twins, but within the whole process, one of them almost died (why it was
an emergency c-section) and then they had to be in the NICU for several months since
they were only about 3 pounds when they were born. Then the other one almost died
while in the NICU. It was just awful. I’m happy to report they are both healthy and
happy, but it was so scary there for a while.
Respond to the Classmate’s Discussion as you would in a face-to face class by asking
questions and stating your point of view.
Classmates Discussion B.F.
This chapter starts off with speaking about how humans share similarities and
differences. This reminds me of when I was watching television recently and a woman
who had written a children’s book about human differences stated that humans are 99%
the same, making us more alike than different. I just found it very interesting and
something that goes along with this chapter.
The most interesting things to me regarding this chapter pertained to the sections that
spoke about behavior, because I am very interested in things pertaining to behavior. I
was very surprised to know that a child’s temperament is mostly hereditary. I did not
know that. I had previously attributed temperament largely to social factors and to how
one is raised, assuming that to be the case. I wonder if many others assume that to be
the case. What did you all previously think about temperament?
Similarly, I was also a bit surprised to find out just how much heredity affects
intelligence. I believe I somewhat knew it, but without quite thinking about it, attributing
intelligence more to a thing of chance. However, that “chance” is related to heredity. I
find it truly amazing just how much our genes influence who we are.
In addition to these things, I also enjoyed reading about the different stages of
pregnancy and childbirth, learning things I had never known before. The text spoke also
about post-partum depression. I know that post-partum depression has been spoken
about quite a bit recently in the news, because there have been several celebrities who
have struggled with it. Because so many struggle with this, I believe that it is a good
thing that there has been more light shed on it in recent years. It helps women to not
feel as ashamed for struggling with this and maybe helps them to feel more okay
reaching out for help.
Cinelli, E. (2020, December 15). Is intelligence inherited? A genetic explanation.
FamilyEducation. https://www.familyeducation.com/pregnancy/health/is-intelligenceinherited-a-genetic-explanation
Plomin, R., & Deary, I. J. (2014). Genetics and intelligence differences: Five special
findings. Molecular Psychiatry, 20(1), 98-108. https://doi.org/10.1038/mp.2014.105