Submit an original post that answers the questions below.
- Write a reading response to the ABA article, “No, a Paralegal is not a Lawyer.”
- Who is the writer and what is the writer’s background?
- What is the main idea of the article?
- Based upon the foundation of legal knowledge built through this course, what is a Paralegal as you now understand the term? How has your understanding of the term changed from the beginning of the course to the end of the course?
- If you were advising a prospective student of the Paralegal Program if he/she is a “good fit” to be a Paralegal, what qualities would you describe as being essential to a Paralegal? As a matter of self-reflection, what are yourstrengths as a soon-to-be Paralegal? What areas for improvement do you see in yourself that you will focus on as you move through the Paralegal Program?