nursing case studies


Case Study #1

L.D. is a 42 year old female patient who was admitted directly from the doctor’s office due to an infected wound on her left foot. The wound began when the patient was bit by her cat when she accidentally stepped on the cat’s tail. The wound is malodorous. The patient’s medical history includes HTN and she has had a hysterectomy 2 years ago due to cancer. She completed her round of chemotherapy and radiation and has been cancer free for over a year. She is allergic to Sulfa drugs and iodine, she is allergic to shellfish, avocados, papaya and walnuts.

Follow the ADPIE process and answer the following questions:

1. What is your priority assessment for this patient and why?

a. What other priorities are there for a patient returning from surgery? Why?

2. What would be the priority nursing diagnosis (or nursing problem) for this patient?

a. Explain your rationales.

3. What plan do you have for this patient?

a. What members of the interdisciplinary team do you need to have involved with this patient’s care?

b. What is the significance of this patient’s allergies?

c. What consultation might you ask the provider for?

4. How would you implement your plan for this patient?

a. Who else do you involve in the implementation besides those you listed above?

5. How do you evaluate if you plan of care is successful or effective?

a. Remember: SMART goals

Case Study #2

You are a nurse at a university student health center. A 21 year old male patient who is a junior at the university comes to the clinic and complains of having a “high temperature”, frequent productive cough, and states his chest “feels tight”. He also states he had been drinking “a lot” over the past few weeks because he is stressed out about finals. His records indicate a previous appendectomy, allergies to ragweed and dogs.

Follow the ADPIE process and answer the following questions:

1. What is your priority assessment for this patient and why?

a. What other priorities are there for a patient returning from surgery? Why?

2. What would be the priority nursing diagnosis (or nursing problem) for this patient?

a. Explain your rationales.

3. What plan do you have for this patient?

a. What members of the interdisciplinary team do you need to have involved with this patient’s care?

b. What consultation might you ask the provider for?

4. How would you implement your plan for this patient?

a. Who else would you involve in the implementation besides those you listed above?

5. How do you evaluate if your plan of care is successful or effective?

a. Remember: SMART goals