Overview Reflection

Watch the documentary “America Reframed – Adama”. The video link is on our Canvas course page under the “Week 2” module.
Write a four-paragraph written reflection addressing the points in the prompt below.
Draft due Monday, 9/12 by 11:59pm
Peer Feedback (optional – two extra credit points) due Monday, 9/19 by 11:59pm
Final Submission due Monday, 9/26 by 11:59pm

POINTS: This assignment is worth 30 points total: 5 points for the draft; 25 for the final submission. Students will be graded on the criteria described in the attached grading rubric.


In a 4-paragraph response, students will address the following:

Paragraph 1: Describe the experience of Adama and her family from 2005-2007.
Describe key aspects of Adama and her family’s experience (must cite the film!)
Give examples of discrimination, difficulties, and persecution that Adama and her family experienced in the documentary film (must cite the film!)

Paragraph 2: How is the experience of Adama and her family (2005-2007), similar to what is currently going on in the U.S. regarding the detainment of undocumented immigrants or refugees seeking asylum?
Describe the current detainment of undocumented immigrants or refugees seeking asylum in the U.S. Give examples from current events (must cite 1 outside source)!
Draw parallels between Adama’s experience and the current experience of undocumented immigrants/refugees. What is similar? (use citations!)

Paragraph 3: Identify ONE form of capital from the Community Cultural Wealth Model that Adama exhibits, and explain how Adama and her family benefit from this form of capital.
Pick 1 form of capital to discuss. Define the capital observed (cite Yosso article!)
Describe example(s) of the capital that Adama exhibited. Give specific example(s)!
How does Adama’s capital benefit (help) her? Give specific example and explanation of the benefit for the form of capital you selected.
How does Adama’s capital benefit (help) her family? Give specific example and explanation of the benefit for the form of capital you selected.

Example: If you selected aspirational capital, in your 3rd paragraph you would include an introductory sentence. Then, you would define aspirational capital (citing Yosso). Next, you would describe specific examples from the film in which aspirational capital was observed. After, you would explain how Adama benefited from aspirational capital. Finally, you would explain how Adama’s family benefited from aspirational capital.


Paragraph 4: Concluding paragraph to the paper.
Provide your reflection/thoughts on what Adama and her family experienced. This is the one section of the paper where you can add your own opinion and use “I” statements (e.g., I believe… I observed…I feel).
Describe a policy recommendation that you believe should be in place for Muslim immigrants, undocumented immigrants, or refugees seeking asylum. Be specific with your recommendation!

GRADING of Writing Style and Organization
Writing is clear, concise, and easy to understand
Writing is appropriate for an academic paper. No casual/non-academic language
Example: spell out words fully rather than using abbreviations (use do not, avoid don’t). Avoid “like” and “totally”. Do not write “til” or “till” instead write until.
Clear topic sentence (opening sentence) at the start of each paragraph
Clear summary (closing sentence) at the end of each paragraph (this final sentence summarizes and interprets what you wrote about in the paragraph). This sentence does not include new information; it’s a summary statement.
Free of spelling and grammatical errors (remember to spell Adama correctly!)

GRADING of Paper Formatting
Times New Roman, size 12-point
1-inch margins, all the way around the paper
Double Spaced; No extra spacing after each sentence
Paper includes 4 paragraphs
Each paragraph is 5 to 8 sentences in length
You do not need a cover page or abstract, but your name must be at the top of the first page of the paper
APA citations included within each paragraph
APA references at the end of the 4 paragraphs (does not need to be on a separate page, but must be formatted correctly!)
Refer to Purdue OWL, APA help on Canvas, or the library for assistance. A brief APA overview will also be provided in class.

Remember you’ll need to include references in alphabetical order by authors’ last name. You need at least one outside source (paragraph 2). Make sure to include the news article or other outside source to your references list.


Sutcliffe, D. F. & Kim, S. (2011). Adama. [Motion picture]. United States: WORLD℠.
Yosso, T. J. (2005). Whose culture has capital? A critical race theory discussion of community cultural wealth. Race Ethnicity and Education, 8(1), 69-91.
In-text citation of video
Example for the start of a sentence:
In Sutcliffe and Kim’s (2011) film…
According to Yosso (2005), social capital….
Example for the end of the sentence:
Adama exhibited great strength when she…. (Sutcliffe & Kim, 2011).
Cultural capital refers to….. (Yosso, 2005).


Criteria 1 2 3 4
Writing Style and Organization Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Writing is unclear and not easy to understand. Missing introductions and closings of paragraphs. Casual/non-academic language is used. Consistent grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Mostly simple sentences. Limited flow of information throughout. Writing or information may be unclear. Not written in academic language. Missing some intros. and closings of paragraphs. Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Clear paragraph construction. Sections have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Clear flow of information between and within paragraphs. Some non-academic language. Paper is well written. Free of grammatical errors. Excellent organization, structure excels in highlighting argument. Clear opening and closing sentences. Details are placed in a logical order.
Paper Formatting and APA Doesn’t meet sentence/paragraph length requirements. Wrong font or size. Margins and spacing after sentences are not correct. Missing in-text citations and/or references at the end of the paper. A few errors with font, margins, or spacing after sentences. Did not meet length requirements regarding paragraph and sentence structure. Incorrect APA in-text and in references at end. A few errors with font, margins, or spacing after sentences. Met requirements regarding paragraph and sentence length. Incorrect APA in-text citations, but included correct APA reference at end of paper (or vice versa). Times New Roman, size 12-point. 1-inch margins.
Double spaced with no extra spaces. Includes 4 paragraphs. Each paragraph is 5 to 8 sentences in length. Correct APA in-text and at end.

RUBRIC continued

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Overview of Adama’s Experience (Paragraph #1) Consistently fails to provide clear examples, to illustrate points, to define terms, and/or to express ideas in other ways Only occasionally provides examples, illustrates points, defines terms, and/or expresses ideas in other ways Consistently provides examples, illustrates points, defines terms, and or expresses ideas in other ways Excels in providing and integrating examples, clearly illustrates points and discussions implications
Conclusion (Paragraph #4) Missing policy recommendation or personal reflection on Adama’s experience/her family’s experience Lacking full explanation to policy recommendation and/or personal reflection on Adama’s experience/her family’s experience Describes policy explanation and personal reflection, but missing depth of detail in a specific recommendation or specific views on Adama/her family’s experience Provides great detail in describing personal reflection and policy recommendation


Criteria 1 2 3 4-5
Analyzing Parallels between Adama and Current Policies in U.S.
(Paragraph #2) Consistently fails to provide clear examples, to illustrate points, to define terms, and/or to express ideas in other ways Only occasionally provides examples, illustrates points, defines terms, and/or expresses ideas in other ways Consistently provides examples, illustrates points, defines terms, and or expresses ideas in other ways Excels in providing and integrating examples, clearly illustrates points and draws connections
Identification and Explanation of Capital
(Paragraph #3) Paragraph is missing some sections or minimal detail/explanation provided (part B includes 3 components: definition, examples, and explanation of benefit) Lacking full explanations to all 3 sections. Definition of capital might be missing. Some details provided. Describes capital observed and benefit, but missing depth of detail in defining terms, providing evidence of capital exemplified, or describing benefit to both Adama and her family Superb detail in defining capital observed and describing examples. Thoroughly evaluates the benefit of capital for Adama and her family