respond to this persons discussion, name is Genesis, must be 125 words or more
Note: The peer response must contain relevant content as well. Avoid repeating (even in different words) what you wrote about in your main discussion, as part of the response to the classmate. Whether you agree or disagree with your peer’s discussion, add new content, new information to your peer’s discussion. Add to the discussion. Meaning, only an “I agree with you” or “Interesting findings” kind of comments do not fulfill the peer responses’ requirements.
This is the discussion that Genesis wrote:
In Athens, Greece, citizens vote on every issue themselves, which is known as direct democracy. In the United States of America, citizens elect representatives to vote on laws on their behalf, a system of government called representative democracy. Because citizens could vote on Athens’ laws, while elected officials vote could the people’s laws in the United States, this means that the representative and direct democracy contrasts by who votes. Direct democracy originated in Ancient Greece, in the Capital City of Athens, and all citizens that were adult male were able to vote during that time. They would gather at the capital to debate and politically participate. The word democracy that we use today is from the Greek word demokratia, meaning rule by the people. The representative democracy originated in Rome Republic when leaders from different regions of the empire were relied upon to be the voice of the people (2020). Both types of democracies were developed due to their societies’ structures. For instance, the Roman empire being more diverse and extensive. In contrast, Greece valued their central power of the capital and are well educated. Monarchy once ruled Rome and Ancient Greece until they overthrew the monarchial rule at separate times before becoming direct or indirect democracy. Since today’s population is massive compared to ancient times, representative democracy is used for most countries worldwide, and direct democracy is rare. For example, France and United Kingdom is a representative democracy, and Switzerland is one of the rarest countries to have direct democracy. As the population continues to grow over the years, there are chances that direct democracy will be gone in the future.