Peer Review

Week 5.2 | Peer Review of Genre Shift (Project 3) – 2 Due Dates

Note That This Assingmnet Has Two Due Dates.

Step 1:

Post the draft to both of your texts for your Unit 3 project.  Depending on the texts you are creating, you might post a Word document, a PDF, or a link. (If you are creating a video, my suggestion is to put the video on YouTube or another sharing platform so that you can submit the link to peer review.)

Along with the draft of your texts, you need to include a brief (100-150 word) explanation of the rhetorical situation for each text. This means you need to tell your classmates your research topic from the Research Blogs and then the specific audience, purpose, and genre of the text they will be reviewing. 

Step 2:

After you submit your draft to this discussion board, you are going to give peer review feedback to at least 2 of your peers by the second due date.  Since the purpose of this discussion board is for everyone to receive feedback, please first respond to people on the discussion board who do not yet have peer feedback. Part of your peer review grade includes carefully selecting classmates with very little feedback, so that everyone gets feedback.

To respond to a peer, follow these steps:

  • Open your peer’s draft by clicking on the file they attached (or the link)
  • Open a separate Word document and respond to the following questions/prompts, typing your responses on the Word document. Your responses should be detailed and in complete sentences. You should number your responses 1-7, but you do not need to include the questions/prompts in your response. Be sure to save your work as you go.
  • After you have finished responding to the questions below, save your responses and then click “reply” to your peer’s discussion board. Attach your peer review feedback as a Microsoft Word doc or docx file.

Peer review questions for Text 1 – the longer, persuasive written text. Here, your classmate may have written a web-article, Op-Ed, Letter to the Editor, etc.

  • Based on what you have read in Text 1, who do you think is the specific audience for this extended written text? Is this the same audience that your peer mentioned when they described the rhetorical situation of Text 1?
    • If you and your peer identified the same audience, comment on several specific part(s) of this text that let you know who the specific audience is. 
    • Or, if you are unsure of the audience or if you do not think that Text 1 effectively reaches the audience your peer identified, include a comment that states this and then explain your comment. Where/Why are you confused? How might your peer more effectively reach this particular audience? Remember to help your classmate understand what could be made better.
  • What is the specific persuasive stance taken by this text? How do you know? What specific part(s) of this text let you know the specific stance? What do you think of the evidence/examples given in the text to support that stance–are they convincing and well-reasoned? Here, reference the specific part(s) of the text that make the persuasive stance clear. Or, if you are unsure of the stance, include a comment that states this and then explain your confusion/uncertainty. Where do you think it would make sense for your peer to specifically state their stance?
  • Does this text use multiple sources to advocate a particular stance? If so, comment on an area where the author uses outside sources particularly well and explain what works well. If not, identify an area where a) sources could be integrated into the source or b) where they could be integrated better.
  • Does this text include citations for their research in genre-appropriate ways, such as in-text citations or hyperlinks? If so, comment on how effective these are for the particular audience and persuasive stance. Be specific and identify particular parts of the text. If not, identify some areas where a hyperlink or other citation might be an effective addition.
  • Peer review questions for Text 2. Here, your classmate may have created an infographic, written a poem, created a video, etc.
  • Based on what you have read in Text 2, who do you think is the specific audience for this text? Is this the same audience that your peer mentioned when they described the rhetorical situation of Text 2?
    • If you and your peer identified the same audience, comment on several specific part(s) of this text that let you know who the specific audience is. 
    • Or, if you are unsure of the audience or if you do not think that Text 2 effectively reaches the audience your peer identified, include a comment that states this and then explain your comment. Where/Why are you confused? How might your peer more effectively reach this particular audience? Remember to help your classmate understand what could be made better.
  • What is the specific genre of Text 2 and how well did Text 2 stick to expectations for this genre? Here, you might comment on the visual appearance, the word choice and/or level of formality, and/or the organization of Text 2 and whether or not these aspects make sense for the particular genre of Text 2.
  • What is the specific purpose of Text 2? (To inform, educate, persuade, entertain, move to action, something else). Is this the same purpose that your peer mentioned when they described the rhetorical situation of Text 2?
    • If you and your peer identified the same purpose, comment on several specific part(s) of this text that let you know what the specific purpose is. 
    • Or, if you are unsure of the purpose or if you do not think that Text 2 effectively achieves the purpose your peer identified, include a comment that states this and then explain your comment. Where/Why are you confused? How might your peer more effectively achieve this particular purpose? Remember to help your classmate understand what could be made better.
  • Now, comment on the specific connection between purpose and audience in Text 2. Is the text effective at achieving its specific purpose for its intended audience? If so, why do you think that is? What are some areas that shine? If this text could be improved (better aimed at its audience or more effective at achieving its purpose), what are some suggestions you have for your peer? Remember, be specific so you can help your classmate understand what could be made better.

Please Complete Part 1 Part 2 will be a separate Bid once peer reviews are received Drafts are posted on attachments