Philosophy discuss 2

After reading the textbook about Descartes (section 29; pp. 275-283), and after watching Cartesian Skepticism–Neo, Meet Rene: Crash Course Philosophy #5 answer/address the following: 

1. Give your own definition of skepticism (no Googling!). What does it mean to be a skeptic? What should be the ultimate goal of skepticism? Is it just to question, or it is to question in order to arrive at a better understanding of something?

2. Is there anything that Descartes questioned that you think he shouldn’t have? Is there anything he should have questioned but didn’t? 

3. How do you see skepticism play out in today’s political or social climate? Are people truly following philosophical skepticism and questioning the social media posts they see, and are they questioning what they hear on the news, YouTube videos, etc.? Or do you think people are only skeptical of views different from their own?

4. Is there something in your own life you have questioned and arrived at a different answer, or is there something you have questioned and then arrived back at your  initial answer? Does skepticism contribute to the idea attributed to Socrates that an unexamined life is not worth living? Is skepticism the way to happiness and fulfillment, or does it make for a depressing life?

5. Is there anything about Descartes’ views that you do not understand or that you need clarification on? (Help your classmates by answering their questions).

300 words minimum. Link to textbook