Philosophy Essay

Choose A or B – NOT BOTH


Topics for your Essay, Choose A or B

Essay Length tips–To answer these topics completely, it takes about 2 pages8-10 paragraphs. Use the topic questions and the scoring rubric to see if your draft responds fully to all parts of the question. A complete thoughtful answer is more important than word count.

Topic A:

Describe the objectivist view of art (relying on Martin Gardner’s position but integrating others as appropriate). Contrast this with subjectivism. 

Use Vaughns textbook to help you explain Gardners theory and its strengths and weaknesses. Choose an object, performance, or piece of writing as an example, and explain whether Gardners theory would classify the object as Art. Do you agree that there is an objective criteria for judging Art or do you find another theory more convincing? Defend your point of view drawing on the ideas from the text.

Topic B:

Explain Lockes view of human nature. Use details from the textbook to support your description. Explain Hobbess view of human nature, again using details from the textbook to support your description. How do Locke’s view of human nature and Hobbes’ view differ? Which do you think is better? Explain, and provide an argument, with evidence, to defend your answer.