Individual Work
Redevelop your JavaScript UI using PHP.

  • Use one of the following methods to turn in your assignments
    • If you are using a server

      • ZIP your files and provide the URL to the assignment
      • Upload your files
    • If you do not have server access

      • ZIP your files and provide a screenshot of the assignment
      • Upload your files

Note: (Links to an external site.)

Be sure that you get a start on the work early, do not leave the tasks to the last minute as these assignments are only going to get more complex as we go along. Remember that your form this week should be based on the form that you created the prior week (first one designing user interfaces ). Your PHP form should be handling the form validation instead of JavaScript.

As a reminder as well, with PHP, you won’t be able to test it simply on your computer as you’ve been testing the HTML pages. The PHP must go through a server whether it’s WAMPserver, XAMPP or a remote host. The PHP has to be processed to return the HTML code back to you.