Post Conference Conversation


Observation #: Date Observer:
First Name of Teacher Observed: XXXXXXXXXXXXX Subject: Grade Level:


                                                                  #1 Context for Observation


#2 Pre-Conference
2a.   Focus of pre-conference


Which criteria may be evident during the observation?


How can the instructional framework be used to support this teacher?


Criterion :



Learning Target  
Students’ work samples that show current skill level and teacher explanation of progress to be made towards target.  
Evidence that will show if students met learning target.  
2b.  Supervisory Behaviors  during pre-conference (Indicate number of times used) Listening Clarifying Encouraging Reflecting Presenting
Problem Solving Negotiating Directing Standardizing Reinforcing
2c.  Insights from Pre-conference  


#3  Environment for Observation
3a.  Tools selected for use during observation

(attach observation tool)

Qualitative Quantitative



3b.  Evidence of students learning (or not learning): Student work shows evidence of understanding, not just recall.  Evidence?  
Students are engaged in activities to develop understanding and create personal meaning through reflection. Evidence?  
Students apply knowledge in real-world contexts.  Evidence?  
Students are engaged in active participation, exploration, and research.  Evidence?  
Teachers utilize the diverse experiences of students to build effective learning experiences.  Evidence?  
Assessment tasks allow students to exhibit higher-order thinking.  Evidence?  
Students are presented with a challenging curriculum designed to develop depth of understanding. Evidence?  
3c.  Describe the learning environment of the classroom Diverse learners were accommodated?  Evidence:  
Students worked independently or collaboratively?  Evidence:  
Classroom was positive, “warm”, safe, and conducive to learning?  Evidence:  
  Teacher used variety of questioning strategies?


  Teacher expected high performance from all students?  Evidence:  
3d.  Insights from Observation  


Did the lesson align with the Standard and support state goals (skills, knowledge, thinking, and applications)?  Yes/No, Comments?  


#4  Analysis of Data and Preparing for Post Conference:  (must have data to support conference)
Data Analysis and Plan for Post Conference  



4a.  Type of Conference Directive Directive Informational Collaborative Nondirective
4b.  “Pluses”  
4b.  “Areas of Focus”  
4c.  Plan for Post Conference

What are possible entry questions to a growth conversation?



#5  Post Conference
5a.  Focus  
Was target met?  What evidence was there of student learning?  
5b.  Supervisory Behaviors used during Post Conference Listening Clarifying Encouraging Reflecting Presenting
Problem Solving Negotiating Directing Standardizing Reinforcing
5c.  Highlights of Post Conference  
5d.  Follow-up Plan (next steps)  
Additional resources teacher will access:  


#6  Reflection
6a. What did you learn? Reference the intent of TPEP, the essential beliefs that drive the process, relationships and roles, critically important elements of the process  
6b. What will you do differently in the future?  
6c. How did the instructional framework support growth conversations?  
Discuss rater agreement between you and your mentor principal  
Discuss the self-assessment of this teacher  
Discuss the goal setting of this teacher  
List types of artifacts/evidence used in this teacher’s evaluation  
Reflect on the final evaluation conference with this teacher