power point 6 slides


This assignment requires you to reflect on your beliefs about effective classroom management and to develop your own personal classroom management plan. Note that a classroom management plan is a work in progress as teachers typically develop their style over the course of time in response to their classroom experiences and the students that they teach. You must use a PowerPoint or similar platform for this assignment. Please be creative!

Your classroom management plan should provide information and a rationale for the following:    

  1. Philosophy of Classroom Management statement. This should describe your general beliefs about how to effectively manage a classroom in terms of establishing a positive learning environment, as well as motivation techniques, student engagement methods, preventive and intervention strategies.
  2. Classroom Layout, including seating arrangements for students, location of teacher’s desk and classroom displays, equipment, and materials. 
  3. Classroom Expectations. This should describe how you will convey high expectations to students and keep students on track.
  4. Classroom Rules. This should specify who will develop the rules; identify general rules that will likely translate into a productive learning environment; and describe how rules will be communicated to students and parents. Be sure to include a list of consequences.
  5. Student Contract. This document, which will be signed by all students, should outline the specific responsibilities of students enrolled in your class.
  6. The sixth slide will be a title or cover slide