Rubric for PowerPoints
Please check off where your PowerPoint is on each criterion in this rubric
and submit it with your assignment
Criteria |
Excellent |
Not yet excellent |
Not yet satisfactory |
Few words per slide, any art or graphics are relevant, and professional (slides are a backdrop to what you say, not substituting for what you say) |
Few words per slide, and art is relevant and professional |
Few words in some slides, or some art is not professional |
Most/all slides wordy, or much of the art is not professional
Type size is a minimum of 32 points even in graphics Font type is the same throughout the presentation |
Type size is a minimum of 32 points even in graphics Font type is the same throughout the presentation |
Type size is a minimum of 32 points even in graphics in most slides or font type is the same throughout the presentation in most slides |
Type size is a minimum of 32 points even in graphics, in few slides or
font type is the same throughout the presentation in few slides |
Bulleted lists are prepared in parallel construction (see your Manual) |
Bulleted lists are prepared in parallel construction |
Some bulleted lists are prepared in parallel construction |
Few bulleted lists are prepared in parallel construction |
All slides lead to main point the presenter wants to make |
All slides lead to main point the presenter wants to make |
Some slides lead to main point the presenter wants to make |
Few slides lead to main point the presenter wants to make |