

Let’s practice adding suffixes to the root words for the urinary and endocrine systems we are studying this week. Below are some suffixes that can be used for the medical terminology of most systems. Suffixes are placed at the end of a word root or word part to modify or vary the meaning. Suffixes can indicate a condition, disease, or procedure. When a suffix is written detached it is preceded by a hyphen (-).

Review the  Suffixes and Definition Handout (MS Word)

Provide a list of 15 root terms with suffixes added. 

Include the following aspects in the discussion:

Choose five root terms from both systems covered this week (renal and endocrine)

Avoid terms peers have used include the root, the suffix, the combined term, and the meaning of the combined term

Discuss your peers’ lists. Are they correct? Do you agree with them?

Cite any references. At all times proper grammar, sentence structure, and spelling. Copy and pasting are not allowed. Always use your own words.

Muddiest Point

You have covered a lot of material in this course and hopefully learned a lot. With so much to do and learn it is not unusual for some points to escape you. Here is your opportunity to ask that question and get it answered.

Personalize a list of the muddiest points you would like clarification for.

Include the following aspects in the discussion:

Post 3-5 Muddy points that you are confused about on anything you have studied in this course

Be specific about what is confusing

Discuss what not knowing might do to your risks as a health professional

Women Are Not Men

View your discussion rubric.  75-150 words in length,

According to most sociologists, gender is socially constructed. After listening to the podcast Women Are Not Men, explain your opinion about the continuation of current gender construction and the future construction of gender roles.  Please answer the following questions in your response:

 Listen to the podcast Women Are Not Men

How have you seen gender roles change?

How would you like to see gender roles to change?

How would society improve from the changes you suggest?

What will need to take place for these changes to occur?

Be sure to support your opinions with information from the textbook, the podcast, or your own research.