Professional Development

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Early Childhood Education Professional Development: Training and Technical Glossary (Links to an external site.) to understand the importance of Professional Development within this profession.
Your lead teacher is overseeing professional development this year and has asked you to take over this task. She has started by gathering a few options that would be beneficial for the team. Review the options she has chosen and choose one you think will be of interest to your team.
Available Options:
Webinar: Select a webinar from the following website: Early Childhood Investigations Webinars: Presentations (Links to an external site.)
Books No-Drama Discipline: The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind by Dan Siegel
Conferences: edX (Links to an external site.)
Additional Resource for selection: NAEYC: Professional Development (Links to an external site.)
You truly need to reflect on your choice before sharing this with your new colleagues. Review your options and respond to the following questions by completing a short PowerPoint (three slides) “selling” your choice.
In your PowerPoint (Links to an external site.), address the following questions:
Why do you think this option is best for your team?
What do you hope they will learn from this professional development?
In your discussion, answer the following questions:
How much does this professional development opportunity cost?
If someone asked you why you chose this option, what would you tell them?
If someone complains about your choice, how will you respond?