Educator information
First name: J Last name: E
Preparation program: Principal Certification Program Academic year: 2022 – 2023
Self-assessment and goal selection
1.     Self-assessment. Use a self-assessment to identify an area of focus that will lead to your professional growth. You might choose to assess yourself using the pre-service standards for your role, or you might choose to use another self-assessment.


▪          What is the name of the self-assessment you used?

–       Educational Leadership: Intern Final Assessment

–       Needs Assessment for Professional Growth Plans |Principal and Program Administrator

2.     Personalized area of focus. Based on your self-assessment, what areas or topics will you focus your learning on that will lead to your professional growth? MINIMUM OF 2

▪           Improving Instruction

▪          Managing Resources

3.     Standards. The area of focus for your professional growth goal needs to align to at least one standard from at least one of the following:

Pre-service role standards


▪          To what standards did you align your area of focus (include name of standards used and standard number or another identifier):

▪          Component 5.4 Provides evidence of student growth of selected teachers

▪          Component 6.4 Managing fiscal resources

4.     Professional growth goals. Professional growth goals are goals that you set for your own professional growth, not for the growth of your students (although your own professional growth will have an impact on the growth of your students). What would you like to learn this year? In what specific area would you like to grow? – MINIMUM OF 2


▪          What are your goals for your professional growth?

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▪          Describe how these goals relates to your self-assessment:

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▪          Describe how these goals relate to your focus areas identified in question two:

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Intended outcomes
5.     Educator outcomes. Professional growth creates outcomes. Educator outcomes refers to some new skill or ability that you, the educator, are able to do or some skill or ability that you can improve based on your learning.


▪          What will you be able to do as a result of attaining your professional growth goal that you are not able to do now? What skill or ability will you have improved upon?

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6.     Student outcomes. As noted previously, students are impacted by educator learning and growth.


▪          What impact will attaining your professional growth goal have on students?

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Professional growth action plan and evidence
Complete the two-column chart below.

In the left column, list the professional growth activity you plan to complete.

In the right column, list at least one piece of evidence you plan to collect for that activity.


You do not need to use all the available rows. Additionally, if you need more rows, complete and attach this supplemental chart.



7.     Activities. List your professional growth activities (one per row).


To increase your learning and accomplish your goal, you will need to engage in specific growth activities. Examples of activities you could engage in may include, but are not limited to: attending training, participating in a book study, researching specific information, observing other educators, etc. Activities should connect back to your goal.


8.     Proposed evidence. List the evidence you plan to use to verify your engagement in your professional growth activities.


Evidence may include, but is not limited to: professional learning reflections, professional learning community (PLC) notes, certificates of completion, programs implemented, videos of lessons, and other adult data. If desired, you may also plan to collect evidence regarding the impact of your professional growth on students. Evidence of your professional growth impact on students may include, but is not limited to: student work, student reflections, notes from observing students, student test scores, attendance rates, and other student data.


The same evidence can be used for multiple activities.

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Candidate signature

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Reviewer signature

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