Professor MacQueen


 How might you use your Brody and Logan strategies to uncover another absent perspective related to your historical event or expose a historical narrative bias? If you think you cannot apply your peers’ strategies to your own event or narrative, explain why.

I identified bias through understanding where the primary sources, especially, came from. Both of them came from a Soviet source on the topic of the Chernobyl disaster. I understood that each of these sources would likely have been read by the KGB, indicating fear of saying something they could not say under the Soviet regime. To get a better sense of the Chernobyl disaster I began watching the HBO docu-series on it that came out in 2019. This series highlights the presence of Soviet control and fear from the population when reporting the issues that came with the disaster.

There are two narratives, just as there were two sides to the Cold War. The Soviets had their own version of what happened, and the US and the west had their own narrative which looked at Chernobyl as a reflection of the failures of Communism. Understanding this dichotomy is essential to understanding the disaster.

Logan post

My brainstorming processes has been really challenged so far in this class. Having to research bias has been hard because I picked a very broad topic that could go so many different ways. I still have not been successful in my strategies for brainstorming, I am open for suggestions and tips that could help me improve. I think identifying the primary and secondary source was pretty easy, it was the breaking it apart that was hard because you have to keep digging. The topic I chose is still very valid in today society inequality and human rights among the LGBT community, I took an interest in the Stonewall Riots. The narratives about my topic are pretty straight forward and to the point about events that have developed over the years. The Stonewall Riots have many perspectives from both the law enforcement and the activist during the movement.

RESPOND TO Adreonna post be professional and constructive with responses.

Adreonna post

I currently work for the school district being trained is very big for our company especially when driving busses when driving a school bus safety is everything sure you can come on with a regular driver license but you also need to get your cdl before driving a school bus yo can drive a activity bus who is bus that can hold up to 10 people with a regular driver license. When driving a special need bus which is known as sped bus you’ll need extra training when have sped training twice monthly its very important that you attended those meetings we also have safety meeting ever month covering how we can prevent accidents talking about student management what could we do if we ever run into a huge problem. I would recommend that he upper management give all the driver and bus monitors quizzes at the end of the meeting to make sure everyone’s on the same page if someone doesn’t understand pull them to the side and ask them is there something they don’t understand.

Britainie post

The company that I work for has new training every period (every four weeks) and it is something different every time. Sometimes it will be refreshers and others it is something new, In-between periods if a new merchandise comes out or they come up with a new way of doing something then that is done when its released. As a manager, we have weekly refreshers that we have to do to keep us up to date. The employee training is a great way to learn before going hands on. When a new hire comes in, they are required to do eight hours of training before they can come on the floor and become hands on. This helps out a lot because they already have some knowledge on what they are supposed to be doing. Out of all the places that I have worked at the organization that I’m with now has the top training and developing program I have seen. I’m not sure that is anything that I can recommend them to change because they are always on top of it, I will say that we have one of the lowest jobs turn overs i have seen and I believe a lot of that comes from the employee being confident that they know what they are doing.