Project Leadership Philosophy

Project Leadership Philosophy Rubric (200 points total)
Criteria Expert









Value and mission identified

Leadership philosophy clearly articulates personal values and mission that are connected to specific project environments.

36-40 points

Leadership philosophy includes personal values and mission, but the values and mission are not closely connected to specific project environments.

30-35 points

Leadership philosophy includes personal values and mission, but they are too vague and not connected to any specific project environment.

20-29 points

No mention of personal leadership values or mission.

0-19 points



Explanation of methodologies

Leadership philosophy provides substantial supporting specifics or explanations necessary to clarify the leadership methodologies.

36-40 points

Leadership philosophy provides some supporting specifics or explanations necessary to clarify the leadership methodologies.

30-35 points

Leadership philosophy provides only a few supporting specifics or explanations necessary to clarify the leadership methodologies.

20-29 points

Leadership philosophy provides few to no supporting specifics or explanations necessary to clarify the leadership methodologies. 0-19 points
Creativity of the philosophy Leadership philosophy reflects best practices in project management and is creative, thoughtful, and insightful.

36-40 points


Leadership philosophy reflects working practices in project management, but may not be creative or thoughtful.

30-35 points

Leadership philosophy reflects practices in project management, but some practices might not work for the project environment described by the student.

20-29 points

Leadership philosophy does not provide any working practices feasible for the project environment described by the student.

0-19 points

Growth mindset Leadership philosophy demonstrates depth of reflection on personal attitudes, strengths, areas of improvement, motivations and desires.

36-40 points

Leadership philosophy demonstrates some reflection on personal attitudes, strengths, areas or improvement, motivations and desires.

30-35 points

Leadership philosophy demonstrates limited reflection on personal attitudes, strengths, areas or improvement, motivations and desires.

20-29 points

Leadership philosophy demonstrates no reflection on personal attitudes, strengths, areas or improvement, motivations and desires.

0-19 points

Quality of writing Leadership philosophy is well-organized, coherent, and well proofread.

28-30 points

Leadership philosophy is focused and well-organized, but the paper needs some proofreading.

24-27 points

Leadership philosophy lacks focus or transition; Needs significant proofreading.

16-23 points

Leadership philosophy is not focused and needs major revision.

0-15 points

Word Limit 450-500 words

10 points

400-449 words

8-9 points

300-399 words

5-7 points

Less than 300 words

0-4 points