Psy 328


  • Describe examples of observable behaviors (e.g., communication or working styles) of introverts and extroverts in a workplace or school setting. Your response should be 3 to 5 sentences in length. Include the following in your response:
    • Do you think people can exhibit both introverted and extroverted traits, depending on the situation? Justify your response.
  • Describe the benefits of having introverted or extroverted managers or teachers. Your response should be 3 to 5 sentences in length. Include the following in your response:
    • Be sure to list a benefit of having an introverted manager and a benefit of having an extroverted manager.
    • Consider how you would approach building a relationship with a manager or teacher that exhibits different extroversion traits than you do.
  • Describe the benefits of having introverted or extroverted team members. Your response should be 3 to 5 sentences in length. Include the following in your response:
    • Be sure to list a benefit of having an introverted team member and a benefit of having an extroverted team member.
    • Consider how you would approach building a relationship with a team member that exhibits different extroversion traits than you do.
  • Describe how a manager or teacher might engage both introverted and extroverted individuals and motivate them on the team or in the classroom. Justify your response. Your response should be 3 to 5 sentences in length.
  • Describe a benefit of using emotional intelligence skills in the workplace or classroom. Your response should be 3 to 5 sentences in length. Consider the following in your response:
    • When would you need to use these skills and why?
    • How do they empower you to navigate stressful situations?
    • How do these skills influence your mindset?
  • Explain how an increased awareness of the introversion and extroversion of yourself and others helps you be more effective in the workplace or school setting. Your response should be 3 to 5 sentences in length.