Python Scripting

Performance Assessment1-2 – Design, write, test and correct

Task 1 – Designing a program

When writing a program, it is important to design all parts of the program so it will do what you want it to do.  We do this by writing the program in plain English statements knows as Pseudocode.  We will do this in a Word document (or other word processor) and everything will be typed without regard to how it will be coded.  This allows you to see all of the requirements for the program before you start coding.

In this Performance Assessment we are going to be getting input from the user and then multiplying by 2 and dividing by 10.

Write your Pseudocode for the program to get input from a user multiple by 2 and divide by 10.

Deliverables for Task 1

  • Pseudocode to print outan inputtednumber multiplied by 2 and divided by 10.


Tasks 2 – Writing the program

We will now transfer yourpseudocode into a Python program.  First open the Python IDLE program and create a new program called <Your Name>_PA2in this Window.

Add statements to the program to allow the user to enter a number.

Printout the number multiplied by 2 then again divided by 10.

Take a screenshot of your finished program.

Run the program and enter a number.  Take a screenshot of the output.

Deliverables for Task 2

  • Screenshot of your program
  • Screenshot your program output

Task 3 – Simple Turtle Graphics

Create a program that first writes your student ID to the turtle screen.

Then create a square of a length 100

Add a circle to the program that is 50 in size

Create a shape with turns of 45 which is 50 on a side.  Make sure the sides come back together forming a octagon (stop sign) shape.

Make each shape a different color.

Take a screenshot of your finished turtle graphics.

Deliverables for Task 3

  • Screenshot of your screen with 3 colored shapes