Sustaining Performance






Greetings Professor & Classmates,

Creating a high level of quality in healthcare is a formidable challenge for healthcare organizations. With the rapidly changing landscape of medical practices coupled with the intricate nature of the healthcare sector, attaining consistent quality levels across all areas has become even tougher. Numerous factors contribute to this challenge. Firstly, the sheer magnitude of healthcare organizations makes it challenging to standardize quality measures and practices. Due to the distinctive resources, systems, and workflows inherent in every healthcare setting, ensuring consistent quality standards can prove an uphill battle. Furthermore, the healthcare landscape is characterized by many stakeholders (Finkelman, 2020). Every person offering care deserves appreciation for their unique contribution towards achieving exceptional service. Stakeholders’ differing opinions, outlooks, and methods create a difficult environment. The challenge lies in streamlining diverse perspectives and coordinating efforts effectively to achieve consistent quality.

Sustaining improvements in healthcare organizations is an equally demanding task. Even after making headway with initial changes, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain momentum and guarantee that these changes last long-term. This is largely attributable to a key hurdle within healthcare settings today: resistance to change. Healthcare practitioners may be hesitant when introducing new routines, processes, or protocols as they have become accustomed to previous methods, which can hinder progress toward success. Another significant challenge in sustaining improvements is the complex interplay between various organizational factors (Finkelman, 2020). Healthcare institutions are multifaceted organizations with various units, teams, and departments. To successfully introduce and maintain improvements throughout these distinct components, efficient coordination, communication, and collaboration are necessary. However, unsatisfactory communication methods, independent divisions, and fragmented procedures can obstruct the durability of advancements.

Leaders play a pivotal role in sustaining improvements in healthcare organizations. Leaders must have a clear vision for guiding their organization’s forward momentum through strategic goal-setting and prioritizing quality output. Continuous improvement is only possible when leaders actively promote it with unwavering dedication. Leadership is pivotal in promoting a workplace culture that values open communication channels and departmental collaboration. By addressing potential barriers head-on, effective leaders can ensure continuous improvements within their organization (van Diggle et al., 2020). The staff within healthcare organizations are essential contributors to sustaining improvements. They are uniquely positioned with an inside understanding of patient needs and possess hands-on experience in managing administrative tasks. Therefore, it is paramount that they are included as valued contributors to improvement strategies. This can involve soliciting their input, recognizing their contributions, and providing opportunities for professional development.



Finkelman, A. (2020). Quality Improvement: A Guide for Integration in Nursing: A Guide for Integration in Nursing. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

van Diggele, C., Burgess, A., Roberts, C., & Mellis, C. (2020). Leadership in healthcare education. BMC medical education20, 1-6.