Reducing Pollution 6



Essay topic is: Reducing pollution

  • Length: It should be about 1,500 words.
  • Sources: About five high-quality sources must be cited in text in your essay.



Answer the following question as it relates to the topic Reducing pollution be sure to highlight why this is a problem and how it can be fixed. Also, use the five(5) sources provided.

  1. What is the problem? What proof do you have that it exists? Is it getting worse?
  2. Why should your audience care? How does the problem affect them?
  3. What is your tentative claim or thesis?  Example: “We need to change/fix/improve/….”
  4. How would you solve the problem? What are a few possible solutions?
  5. Which solution do you think is likely to be the best? (It is okay if your answer is tentative.)
  6. What is your call to action? What do you want people to do?



Suggested Outline

  1. Introduction and explanation of the problem
  2. Identify the problem
      1. Solution one: pros and cons
      2. Solution two: pros and cons
      3. Solution three: pros and cons (as needed)
  1. Background and history of the problem
  2. Claim/thesis
  3. Solutions

III. Conclusion

  1. Final recommendation
        1. Call to action

The five source that should be used are:


Australia Government, (2022). “Reducing pollution.” NP1.

EPA, (2022). “Action You Can Take to Reduce Air Pollution.” United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Filippelli, G., Anenberg, S., Taylor, M., van Geen, A., &Khreis, H. (2020). New approaches to identifying and reducing the global burden of disease from pollution. GeoHealth4(4), e2018GH000167.

MPCA, (2022). “What you can do about air pollution.” MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY.

Sofia, D., Gioiella, F., Lotrecchiano, N., & Giuliano, A. (2020). Mitigation strategies for reducing air pollution. Environmental Science and Pollution Research27(16), 19226-19235.,Mitigation%20strategies%20for%20reducing%20air%20pollution,-Daniele%20Sofia%2C