reflection (BR)


Hillsborough Community College is quite diverse. College Simply gathers data from HCC which showed the percentages of each race in the student body. 35% white, 18% black, 26% Hispanic, 3% Asian, and 4% international. There are 45% more female students than male students at HCC. The number of campuses and their locations has enabled this college to persuade a diverse body of students to enroll and the inexpensive costs of it being a community college. 

As time passes, women’s life expectancy is longer than men’s. This affects employment because there are more older women than men. The data shows that, Until age 18, there are more than 105 males to females and as we age the numbers for men start to decrease. 

According to the data provided in the textbook, “Education level is an additional factor that affects women’s propensity to be in the workforce even if they have very young children”. This was surprising to me because I assumed the total opposite! Women’s motherly instinct to provide for and protect themselves and family affects our drive. It motivates women to want to work to be better financially and have stability.

In the book Managing Diversity in Organizations by Myrtle P. Bell, it explains that “multiple studies have found that a supportive climate, including nondiscrimination policies, and top management support are related to increased commitment and job satisfaction of sexual minorities”. It is also noted that you see improvement in advantages in costs, resource acquisition, creativity, and marketing. This is true, when I work in a place where I am appreciated and respected for who I am then I devote all of my time and effort to the company. This is what outperforms competitors, respect and loyalty. 

The speaker in this week’s TED talk, Rocio spoke about gender diversity in the workplace and its effects on companies. The demographic she was targeting was her female generation and the one to come. The point of her message that she explained throughout the video was that to have a successful company it must have 2 qualities, innovative revenue, and diversity. Rocio came to this conclusion after reviewing the data she received from the study they conducted. The more diverse companies are, the more they are innovative. Some of the strategies the speaker pointed out were, that for gender diversity to have an impact on innovation, you need to have more than 20% women in leadership. Setting a target goal that companies would like to reach and following with actions to follow through.

Write 200 words of your reflection on this work? (need to be in first person)