Research Literature

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For this assignment, you will expand on the scope of your research focus by adding to your assignment submitted in Lesson 2.   Articles that are selected should be primary articles that have been printed within the past 5 years in a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal.


  1. Consider your instructors’ feedback from Assignment 2 and additional information you have gathered to evidence your problem.
  2. Incorporate a minimum of 4 primary, scholarly resources to expand background knowledge to introduce your research topic.  Strive to include at least one credible, research article with findings and/or interpretation different from prominent thoughts in the literature.
  3. Include only the main ideas essential for the reader to understand the problem that will prompt the research study. Support assertions and information with citations of experts/researchers in the field.

Your assignment deliverable should include three sections:

  • Background on your research topic of interest that is approximately 2 pages maximum.
  • A clear discussion of your problem focus and evidence that the problem is worthy of a research study.  This section will be approximately 5-6 paragraphs.
  • Reference Section.


Include a minimum of 4 new scholarly resources relevant to your selected research topic.  Add these to your list of previous resources.

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Due Date
May 4, 2023 9:59 PM


Criteria Does Not Meet Expectations (0% – 72%) Below Expectations (73%-82%) Meets Expectations (83%-89%) Exceeds Most Expectations (90%-93%) Exceeds All Expectations (94%-100%) Criterion Score
Selection of credible literature around a research area. (30%) This assignment addresses complex thinking to search for and evaluate credible research in academic journals and apply findings to inform background information on a research topic. 2.19 points

Discussion demonstrates a weak or unclear understanding of the selected area of study or indication of unpreparedness in developing the assignment response.

Assignment instructions are minimally or not followed.

2.49 points

Discussion of the assignment topic is unclear and demonstrates minimal understanding of the selected area of study and focus problem.

Assignment instructions are minimally followed.

2.7 points

Discussion demonstrates information sources selected are credible and related to concepts needed to inform the research focus of interest.

Background and problem focus discussions are supported by a variety of  related and relevant sources.

Relevant terms are defined.

2.82 points

Discussion demonstrates information sources selected represent multiple views, are credible, and related to concepts needed to inform the research focus of interest.

Background and problem focus discussions are supported by a variety of  relevant sources appropriate to the scope and disciple of the research focus of interest.

Relevant terms are defined and interpreted.

3 points

Discussion demonstrates information sources selected represent multiple views, are credible, and directly relate to concepts needed to inform the research focus of interest.

Background and problem focus discussions are supported by a variety of  relevant sources appropriate to the scope and disciple of the research focus of interest.

Relevant terms are clearly defined and interpreted with nuance of understanding.

Score of Selection of credible literature around a research area. (30%) This assignment addresses complex thinking to search for and evaluate credible research in academic journals and apply findings to inform background information on a research topic.,

/ 3

Evaluate, Interpret, and Analyze (30%) This criteria addresses use of evidence and ability to detect extrinsic relationships that allows for a high level of understanding. 2.19 points

Discussion includes reiteration of few assignment sources.

Integral relationships essential to the issue are not recognized.

2.49 points

Assignment response includes reiteration of assignment required sources.

Integral relationships essential to the issue are minimally recognized.

2.7 points

Assignment response demonstrates  use of critical analysis to abstract article content that is relevant and meaningful to the research topic.

Integral relationships essential to the issue are acknowledged.

2.82 points

Assignment response includes a clear critical analysis of article content that is relevant and meaningful to the research topic.

Integral relationships essential to the issue are explored.

3 points

Assignment response includes critical analysis and a comprehensive synthesis of article content that is relevant and meaningful to the research topic.

Integral relationships essential to the issue are assessed in depth.

Score of Evaluate, Interpret, and Analyze (30%) This criteria addresses use of evidence and ability to detect extrinsic relationships that allows for a high level of understanding.,

/ 3

Ethics & Inclusion (10%) This criteria addresses diverse thinking and open-minded exploration of conflicting hypotheses. 0.73 points

Assignment response demonstrates failed recognition of fact-based world view.

Discussion contains multiple levels of bias.

Discussion lacks respect or professional presentation.

0.83 points

Fact-based world view(s) are not present or poorly developed in the discussion.

Discussion may contain unrecognized bias.

Discussion presents limited respect or professional presentation.

0.9 points

Assignment response demonstrates recognition of a fact-based world views.

Plausible bias is recognized, as applicable to the topic.

Discussion is professional.

0.94 points

Assignment response demonstrates a developed exploration of fact-based world views.

Assignment response recognizes multiple interpretations of fact-based world views.

Recognition of plausible bias is addressed, as applicable to the topic.

Discussion is professional.

1 point

Assignment response demonstrates comparative and contrasting interpretations of multiple fact-based world views.

Recognition of plausible bias is demonstrated, as applicable to the topic.

Discussion is purposeful, respectful, and professional.

Score of Ethics & Inclusion (10%) This criteria addresses diverse thinking and open-minded exploration of conflicting hypotheses.,

/ 1

Creative Thinking (10%) This criteria addresses ability to weigh alternative hypotheses and present informed decision making. 0.73 points

Assignment response holds no relationship with evidence or presentation of original thought.

Approaches to problem solving are not present.

0.83 points

Assignment response presents minimal original thought founded on evidence.

Approaches to problem solving are minimal.

0.9 points

Assignment response explores original thought established with illustration of evidence.

Approaches to problem solving are explored.

0.94 points

Assignment response presents original thought established from exploring evidence.

Approaches to problem solving or creative ideas based on curiosity are expressed.

1 point

Assignment response justifies original thought established through critique of evidence.

Approaches to problem solving or creative ideas based on curiosity are effectively expressed.

A contribution to the academic or professional field is incorporated, as appropriate to the assignment.

Score of Creative Thinking (10%) This criteria addresses ability to weigh alternative hypotheses and present informed decision making.,

/ 1

Academic Writing or Presentation (10%) This criteria applies to various assignment outcome types, for example written, oral, mixed, mind-maps, brochures, etc. 0.73 points

Writing or presentation does not meet minimum expectations for appropriate academic voice.

Writing or presentation does not include satisfactory language, logical order, or explanation of key concepts of the assignment.

Writing or presentation does not address audience at an appropriate level.

Text is unreadable.

Inappropriate or no reference of evidence  by presenter.

0.83 points

Writing or presentation is below expectations for appropriate academic voice.

Writing or presentation includes satisfactory language with logical order and partial or unclear explanation of key concepts of the research topic.

Writing or presentation does not address the audience at an appropriate level.

Text is unclear or unreadable.

Minimal or inappropriate referencing of evidence by presenter.

0.9 points

Writing or presentation is in appropriate academic voice.

Writing or presentation includes satisfactory language with logical order and explanation of key concepts of the research topic.

Writing or presentation addresses audience at an appropriate level.

Text is readable and clear.

Appropriate referencing of evidence by presenter.

0.94 points

Writing or presentation exceeds most expectations for academic voice.

Writing or presentation includes satisfactory language with logical order and clear explanation of key concepts of the research topic.

Writing or presentation addresses audience at an appropriate level.

Text is readable and clear.

Appropriate referencing of evidence by presenter.

1 point

Writing or presentation exceeds all expectations for academic voice.

Writing or presentation includes satisfactory language with logical order and clear explanation of key concepts of the research topic.

Writing or presentation addresses audience at an appropriate level.

Text is readable and clear.

Appropriate referencing of evidence by presenter.

Score of Academic Writing or Presentation (10%) This criteria applies to various assignment outcome types, for example written, oral, mixed, mind-maps, brochures, etc.,

/ 1

Mechanics (10%) This assignment includes punctuation, grammar, word usage, and APA style. 0.73 points

Writing or presentation does not meet expectations for proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citations.

Significant typographical issues.

Significant APA formatting issues.

Reference do not match text citations, significant errors for quotes and in-text citations.

0.83 points

Writing or presentation is below expectations for proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citations.

Frequent typographical issues.

Frequent APA formatting issues.

References do not match text citations.  There are multiple errors for quotes and in-text citations.

0.9 points

Writing or presentation includes proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citation of evidence.

Limited typographical issues.

Few APA-style issues.

References match in-text citations.  Some errors for quotes and in-text citations.

0.94 points

Writing or presentation exceeds most expectations of proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citation.
two typographical issues.

Fewer than two APA formatting issues.

References match citations and fewer than two errors found in quotes and in-text citations.

1 point

Writing or presentation exceeds all expectations and includes proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citation.

Free of typographical issues.

APA formatting complete.

References match citations and are properly quoted and cited throughout.

Score of Mechanics (10%) This assignment includes punctuation, grammar, word usage, and APA style.,

/ 1
