Respond To 3 Peers

Introduction of Sociology 

Peer responses:

  • You need to respond to 3 classmates’ posts.
  • Responses need to be substantive; responses under 2 sentences will not be considered substantive. Responses should be thorough, explanatory, offer some sort of new insight or reasoning, or offer critical or analytical thought and should be in full sentences.

Additional notes:

  • You can use pictures, graphs, pie charts, etc. in your answers, but not for your answers.
  • Always support your opinions with scholastic sources.
  • When you use outside material, please use in-text citations and give references at the end of your post in APA format. Otherwise, it is termed as Plagiarism.
  • Plagiarism is a critical offense according to Galen policies. Your answers should not be simple ‘copy and paste’ from an outside source. In such instances, even though you give references, they will not be considered your answers. The first time I spot plagiarism, you will be given a zero with a warning. The 2nd time will be a write-up. Please be careful about plagiarism.




1st Peer post:


Socialization is the root for our everyday lives in America for those who are active participants in society. It gives us the foundation to have basic interactions with the people around us whether it be at home with family, or at a place of business for a job interview (Pressbooks, 2016).  It is a critical to not only individuals but, their societies in which they live. Anticipatory socialization is the preparation for future life roles (Openstax, 2015). An example from my own life using anticipatory guidance would be my fiancé and I saving enough money to put a down payment on our home. We financially planned for when the time was ready to make that purchase. Resocialization is explained as old behaviors that were helpful in a previous role but no longer used in the current role (Openstax, 2015). An instance where I have witnessed one of my family members go to the care of a skilled nursing facility because of the decreased ability to perform daily living activities would be a good example of this concept. She had the freedom to move and go at her leisure but now with the new rules and regulation of the new place she resides in those behaviors are not allowed. Degradation ceremony, or the circumstance where new members lose the aspects of their old identity and are given new identities (Openstax, 2015). I can identify with this more simply in a workplace where we must where a certain uniform, such as scrubs. As well as not allowing nail polish or requiring hairstyles to be up. I consider these styles to be a part of my identity that is no longer allowed with this new role.



2nd Peer post:


The very idea of family has changed significantly even in the lasty 15 years that I have paid attention to. We will start by defining family as “a socially recognized group (usually joined by blood, marriage, cohabitation, or adoption) that forms an emotional connection and serves as an economic unit of society.”. (Griffiths et al., 2017) With this as our baseline for family, out of the three examples above cohabiting families have made the largest change. A large amount of my perspective comes from my upbringing and culture, however statistics from were surprising to me in just how much things have changed. From personal experience I grew up in a nuclear family and for religious beliefs growing up was only really given the option of stated nuclear family for myself. I tried it, got married young, and in the end ended up divorced and unhappy. From the statistics in my source the age of cohabitors changed from younger early 20s, to in 2017, the majority were 35-65. And the greatest increase from 1996 to 2017 was in the elders group. It also states that Divorcees make up a large proportion of older cohabiters. (Gurrentz, 2022). I believe that as marriage rates go down cohabitation will continue to become more of the norm, even if it happens before a marriage in today’s economy and society. (Griffiths et al., 2017)


3rd Peers post


High culture is considered to be a product of culture that can be associated with prestige, intellectualism, wealth, at times,  and creative achievement. Examples of this include classical music or fine art and ballet. Popular culture are events, ideas or experiences that exist in mainstream culture and are generally spread through commercial or social media. Examples of popular culture is streaming content or rock/pop music (Openstax, 2015). These popular culture examples influence my culture in different ways. The streaming content can help open my eyes to different issues through the documentaries I watch, it has helped me learn how to do something through how-to videos, such as tiling my bathroom. Music has enriched my life in so many ways. I love to listen to and play music and it is woven into so much of the fabric of my life from the time I was a little kid to now.

I feel that technology has had more positive than negative effects on culture, however there are definitely negative effects. Technology has allowed us to stay connected to loved ones across the globe much more easily, it allows us to access medical and mental health help remotely, we are able to obtain a degree through online school and some people are even able to work from home and still be with their family. Technology has changed my life in so many ways. Growing up in the 80’s and 90’s, I went through school and early college without any social media or cell phone and no computer until 11th grade and it had dial up! Technology has changed my lifestyle by being able to get in touch with people more easily when I need to, and vice versa, through cell phones and texting. It has also provided me the luxury of access to whatever music, television or movies I want to watch or listen to pretty much any time I want to. Overall, I feel that technology has been helpful, however, I do hope that future generations can work out some of the issues with bullying as well as learning that you don’t have to share your entire life online and that sometimes you need to unplug and just enjoy what is in front of you.