Discussion 2: Key Life Area Goals, Objectives, and Action Plans
Now that you have submitted your completed Capstone Project, it is time to look back on your work and reflect through the creation of a brief slideshow presentation. This will also provide other class members with the opportunity to share their own work and garner new information from yours.


Respond to two of your colleagues’ PowerPoints that contain a perspective other than yours. Your response will typically be 2–3 paragraphs in length, as a general expectation.

View Two (2) of Colleagues’ powerpoint presentation “See attachment”
Share an insight about what you learned from having read your colleagues’ postings and discuss how and why your colleague’s posting resonated with you professionally and personally. (Note: This may be a great opportunity to help you think about passions you share with your colleagues who could become part of your Walden network.)
Offer an example from your experience or observation that validates what your colleague discussed.
Offer specific suggestions that will help your colleague build upon his or her perceptions as a leader.
Offer further assessment from having read your colleague’s post that could impact a leader’s effectiveness.
Share how something your colleague discussed changed the way you consider your own leadership qualities.
See Colleagues Powerpoint
No plagiarism





1st Colleague – Jimena Patane
RE: Discussion 1: Research Paper Track – Week 7

The research shows that forgiveness is a skill that leads to resolving conflicts between people in organizations by preserving and strengthening the relationships.  Strong relations lead to positive change, better levels of well-being, higher employee engagement, and profitability. Organizations should address the act of forgiveness as a way to promote collaboration and build trust with employees.
Forgiveness is a crucial component of effective conflict management and provides employees with psychological safety. Designing environments that not only reduce stress and anxiety but also foster relationships results in higher levels of engagement and productivity.
Ayoko (2008) describes the potential reactions and emotions people face during a conflict:
Aggressive Emotions: Distrustful, resentful, angry
Positive Receptive Emotions: Confident, curious, optimistic
Avoidant Emotions: fearful, vulnerable, uncertain
The know-how to manage the process and feelings during conflict would help influence how relationships evolve in an organization.
The secret is in institutionalizing mechanisms to manage conflict effectively. Not to be confused with micromanaging employee relationships. It means to pay attention to our behaviors and talk about them. It means to train leaders and employees on how conflict is managed and why it is important to forgive, and the impact on the relationships and the workplace culture.
The recommendation is to train, talk and evaluate how behaviors that lead to forgiveness are applied across the organization. Companies need to make this topic part of their learning curriculum and reinforce it during the performance management process, interaction, performance evaluations, and by having leaders walk the talk.
Ayoko, O. B., & Pekerti, A. A. (2008). The mediating and moderating effects of conflict and communication openness on workplace trust. International Journal of Conflict Management, 19(4), 297–318. https://doi.org/10.1108/10444060810909275

2nd Colleague –