This purpose of this assignment is for the student to present a complete picture of interdisciplinary care using specifictherapeutic modalities in the care of a complex adult health client. The student will demonstrate clinical reasoning skillsand will discuss interdisciplinary care that had been incorporated and/or anticipated using a healthcare technology ortherapeuticmodalityfor thecare ofthecomplexhealth client.
- (PO 1)
- (PO2)
- Demonstrate effective therapeutic communication and relationship skills in family centered nursing care to adultswithcomplex healthneeds.(PO3)
- Demonstrateeffectiveclinicaldecisionmakingbasedoncriticalthinkingskillsandlegal,ethical,andprofessionalstandardsandprinciples whencaringforpatientsandfamilieswithcomplexadulthealthneeds.(POs4and6)
- Implement a plan of care for continued personal, professional, and educational development related to nursingpracticewithcomplexadulthealthsituations.(PO5)
- Useevidenceincludingresearchfindingsfromnursingandrelateddisciplinestoanswerclinicalquestionsrelatedtonursingcare ofpatientswithcomplexadult healthneeds.(PO8)
- Examples of a therapeutic modality include Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation, Automatic rotating pronationbeds,rightand/orleftventricularassist devices,nontraditionalventilator modes.
- ExamplesofhealthcaretechnologycanincluderegionalO2saturationmonitoring(NIRS).
- Writea4-5pagepaper(notincludingthetitlepageorreferencepage)usingAPAformat.
- ForAPA,formatting,orgrammarassistancevisittheAPACitationandWriting
- Includethefollowingsections(detailed criterialistedbelowandintheGradingRubric):
- Introduction–5points/5%
- Thechosentherapeuticmodalityorhealthcaretechnologymeetsoneofthefollowingcriteria:
- Isanon-traditionalmodalityforveryillpatientsinspecialcircumstances.
- Requiresspecifictrainingaboveandbeyondgeneralentry-levelnursingeducation.
- Thechosentherapeuticmodalityorhealthcaretechnologymeetsoneofthefollowingcriteria:
- Introduction–5points/5%
- ExplanationandBackground–15points/15%
- Describethe patientpopulationitisusedfor.
- Includemedication,safety,andcostconsiderationsasapplicable.
- RisksandBenefits–15points/15%
- Explainthecomplications thatmayarise.
- Interdisciplinaryteam’sRolesandResponsibilities–20points/20%
- Identify all interdisciplinary team members caring for the patient, such as respiratory therapy, assistivepersonnel,providers,casemanagers,clinicalnursespecialists,and researchers.
- Describetherolesandresponsibilitiesofeachmemberofthehealthcareteamthatisinvolvedintheuseofthe therapeuticmodalityorhealthcaretechnology.
- NursingScopeofPractice–15points/15%
- Discuss the knowledge needed for the Registered Nurse to provide care for the patient using thetherapeuticmodalityor healthcare technology.
- DescribeskillsneededfortheRegisteredNursetoprovidecareforthepatientusingtherapeuticmodalityorhealthcare technology.
- DiscussattitudesneededfortheRegisteredNursetoprovidecareforthepatientusingtherapeuticmodalityor healthcare technology.
- PatientEducation–20points/20%
- Describetheinformationtobetaughttothepatientand/orfamily.
- Conclusion– 5points/5%
- APAStyleandOrganization–5points/5%
- Usescurrent APAformatandisfreeoferrors.
- Grammarandmechanics arefreeoferrors.
- At least three (3), nursing, scholarly, peer reviewed, primary sources from the last 5 years, excluding thetextbook,are provided.
Please note that your instructor may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine that you fullyunderstandtheconceptslearned.
(Pointspossible/%oftotalpointsavailable) |
HighestLevelofPerformance | High Level ofPerformance | SatisfactoryLevelofPerformance | UnsatisfactoryLevel ofPerformance | Section notpresentinpaper |
(5points/5%) |
5points | 4points | 3points | 2points | 0points |
1. The chosen therapeutic modality or healthcaretechnologymeetsoneofthefollowingcriteria: · Has been introduced recently at the bedsideforcareofthecomplexadultpatient. · Is a non-traditional modality for very illpatientsinspecialcircumstances. · Is being used in a new way to treat a patientwithcomplexneeds. · Requires specific training above and beyondgeneralentry-levelnursingeducation. 2. Introduce the therapeutic modality or healthcaretechnology. 3. Name the therapeutic modality or healthcaretechnology. 4. A brief fictional case is used to illustrate thetherapeuticmodalityorhealthcaretechnology. |
Includes no fewerthan 4 requirementsforsection. | Includes no fewerthan 3 requirementsforsection. | Includes no less than2 requirements forsection. | Includes no less than1 requirement forsection. | No requirements forthis sectionpresented. |
(15points/15%) |
15points | 13points | 11points | 6points | 0points |
1. Include a clear description of the therapeuticmodality orhealthcaretechnology. 2. Discuss how the therapeutic modality or healthcaretechnology works. 3. Describethepatientpopulationitisusedfor. 4. Include medication, safety, and cost considerations asapplicable. |
Includes no fewerthan 4 requirementsforsection. | Includes no fewerthan 3 requirementsforsection. | Includes no fewerthan 2 requirementsforsection. | Includes no less than1 requirement forsection. | No requirements forthis sectionpresented. |
(15points/15%) |
15points | 13points | 11points | 6points | 0points |
1. Describe how the therapeutic modality or healthcaretechnologycan benefit thepatient. 2. Discusswaystopromotepositiveoutcomes. 3. Explainthecomplicationsthatmayarise. 4. Discussconsiderationsforpreventingcomplications. |
Includes no fewerthan 4 requirementsforsection. | Includes no fewerthan 3 requirementsforsection. | Includes no less than2 requirements forsection. | Includes no less than1 requirement forsection. | No requirements forthis sectionpresented. |
Interdisciplinary Team’sRoles and Responsibilities(20points/20%) |
20points |
18points |
16points |
8points |
0points |
1. Identify all interdisciplinary team members caring forthe patient, such as respiratory therapy, assistivepersonnel, providers, case managers, clinical nursespecialists, andresearchers. 2. Describe the roles and responsibilities of eachmemberofthehealthcareteamthatisinvolvedinthe use of the therapeutic modality or healthcaretechnology. 3. Discusstheroles andresponsibilitiesofthe nurseasa member of the interdisciplinary team caring for thepatient. 4. Discuss one challenge in working with aninterdisciplinaryteam. |
Includes no fewerthan 4 requirementsforsection. | Includes no fewerthan 3 requirementsforsection. | Includes no less than2 requirements forsection. | Includes no less than1 requirement forsection. | No requirements forthis sectionpresented. |
(15points/15%) |
15points | 13points | 6points | 0points | |
1. Discuss the knowledge needed for the RegisteredNurse to provide care for the patient using thetherapeuticmodalityorhealthcaretechnology. 2. Describe skills needed for the Registered Nurse toprovide care for the patient using therapeuticmodality orhealthcaretechnology. 3. DiscussattitudesneededfortheRegisteredNurseto |
Includes no fewer than 3 requirements forsection. | Includes no fewerthan 2 requirementsforsection. | Includes no lessthan 1 requirementforsection. | No requirementsfor this sectionpresented. |
provide care for the patient using therapeuticmodality orhealthcaretechnology. | |||||
(20points/20%) |
20points | 18points | 16points | 8points | 0points |
1. Describe the information to be taught to the patientand/orfamily. 2. Discusshowinformationwillbetaught. 3. Discusspotentialculturalconsiderationstoteaching 4. Explain how the effectiveness of the teaching will beevaluated. |
Includes no fewerthan 4 requirementsforsection. | Includes no fewerthan 3 requirementsforsection. | Includes no less than2 requirements forsection. | Includes no less than1 requirement forsection. | No requirementswere met for thissection. |
(5points/5%) |
5points | 3points | 2points | 0points | |
1. Provideasummaryofthepaper. 2. Nonewinformationisintroduced. 3. Includeadditionalresourcesforfurtherlearning. |
Includes no fewer than 3 requirements forsection. | Includes no fewerthan 2 requirementsforsection. | Includes no less than1 requirement forsection. | No requirements forthis sectionpresented. | |
(5points/5%) |
5points | 4points | 3points | 2points | 0points |
1. Referencesaresubmittedwithpaper. 2. UsescurrentAPAformatandisfreeoferrors. 3. Grammarandmechanicsarefreeoferrors. 4. At least three (3), nursing, scholarly, peerreviewed,primarysourcesfromthelast5years,excludingthetextbook,areprovided. |
Includes no fewerthan 4 requirementsforsection. | Includes no fewerthan 3 requirementsforsection. | Includesnolessthan 2 requirementsforsection. | Includes no lessthan 1 requirementforsection. | No requirementsfor this sectionpresented. |
TotalPoints Possible= 100points |