RWP#4: Disorders and Treatments

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Real World Psychology: Psychology is all around us. I hope that as you learn more and more about the field that you start to recognize this and become more curious about why people act the way they do. You will be asked to observe 4 real world psychology examples, of you choosing, and then will find a peer-reviewed research article that is meant to answer your question. Each of these 4 assignments is worth 10% of your final grade and will roughly cover 4 different sections of the course materials

THIS DB is for RWP #4: Disorders and Treatments

You may work on this before the due date. You will upload everything onto the DB, in 2 stages. Both Stage 1 and 2 are due by the due date. You will need to get clearance from me (on the DB) for Stage 1 before moving to Stage 2. I will reply to you on the DB whether you’ve been cleared, then you can reply back to me with your Stage 2 response.

  • Stage 1 (4 points).  Describe a real world psychology example using the concepts we have talked about in each section of the course. Tell us why you think it is an important observation and what questions the observation leaves you with.
  • Stage 2 (6 points). After you have clearance from me, find a peer-reviewed article that is related to your observation and outstanding question. You must find a peer-reviewed article, upload the PDF to your answer (1 point), give the APA citation of the article (1 point), and then describe the article’s findings (3 points), and explain how it relates to your observation/question (1 point).



Example for stage 1:


I am interested in researching how our immediate family influences our personalities, attitudes and maybe even appearance. This is may not be too important but I have always found it interesting that my dad and I have a very similar sense of humor and my parents always being well dressed has made me feel a pressure in a sense to always look presentable. I think it is fairly obvious that the people around us influence us but what I am curious to research is: Why do these people influence us? What factors are influenced? and What people are most likely to influence us?