Sample Examine The Role Of Theoretical Frameworks In Intervention With Individuals

Week 3 – Assignment: Examine the Role of Theoretical Frameworks in Intervention with Individuals
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For this assignment, prepare a white paper to help educate others on mental health issues in adults. Assume this paper could be distributed to either clients or their family and friends who may be struggling with their
diagnosis or even how to interact with a loved one who has recently received this diagnosis.  Recall the purposes and format of a white paper from those you’ve written in precious courses.
Choose two major theory-based treatments used for working with individual adults with mental illnesses. You have many choices including those introduced in earlier Course and those discussed in the Introductory Lecture above.
In your paper, address the following:
⦁ Thoroughly describe each theory-based intervention. Examples of the types of questions you might address include, but are not limited to- What are the basic tenets of the theory? What is the history of the theory/model? Is it based on or did it grow out of another theory? Is this a long- or short-term treatment?
⦁ What actually happens in this intervention? (i.e. is this a “sit-down” therapy? Is it a group treatment?). What specific skills does a social worker use when implementing this intervention?
⦁ Discuss which mental health disorders are best treated using each of these theories. What evidence is there for this claim? Specifically address what research supports the use of this particular theory for this particular disorder? How has that research been translated into the treatment?
⦁ Consider this theory in the context of human rights and social justice. Does this theory specifically address issues of social, economic, or environmental justice? If so, how? If not, based on implicit assumptions you see in this theory/model, discuss the ways in which it does or does not support the social work focus on social justice.
⦁ Utilize evidence-based practice to determine which treatments are best for various mental health disorders.
⦁ Explain cultural limitations to the various treatments.
⦁ Interpret stigmas associated with the labels of mental illness.
Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.
Length: 4-6 pages, not including title and reference pages
Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the Course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.


Week 3

Interventions with Adults
This week, you will investigate interventions with adults. There are many theories of intervention. You will read about a variety of theories for intervention with adults. The most common are:
Psychodynamic Theory
Based on the work of Freud, Psychodynamic Theory is characterized as a way of thinking, including subconscious/unconscious conflicts, deficits, and distortions of intrapsychic structures and internal object relations.
Behavior Theory, Behavior Mod, or SW Problem Solving
A Systematic application of techniques intended to facilitate behavioral change based on the conditioning theories of learning.
Dialectical Behavioral Theory
Assumes a systems approach and stresses the essential interrelatedness and wholeness of reality. Considers reality to be inherently heterogeneous- opposite forces- with an evolving synthesis. Proposes that the interconnected, oppositional nature of reality produces a whole that is continually changing.
Cognitive Theory
The central concept that most human emotion is the direct result of what people think, tell themselves, assume, or believe about themselves and their social situations. It is based on Ellis– ABC theory of emotion that you examined earlier:
⦁ represents the activating event
⦁ represents what people believe, think, and tell themselves
⦁ represents the emotional consequence of such beliefs, cognitions, and self-talk
Feminist Theory
Feminism: the struggle against male domination. The purpose of the intervention is to heal the injuries of sexism and facilitating liberation from this form of oppression, as well as all others through self-actualization.
Take a closer look at each of these theories and the ones covered in your assigned resources. While you will utilize some of them more than others, you should become familiar with all of them. Plan to participate in workshops on various theories after you earn your degree to be more proficient in the theory and how to integrate it into your work with clients. You were introduced to the role of theory in the planned change process in MSW-5000 (Introduction to Social Work) and had that concept and your knowledge of specific theories reinforced and expanded in MSW-5001 (Human Behavior and the Social Environment). This week’s readings further extend this conversation, and the assignment asks you to demonstrate that in work with individual clients, you understand how to apply theories of human behavior and the social environment, person-in-environment, as the range of other theories to which you’ve been exposed.
Be sure to review this week’s resources carefully. You are expected to apply the information from these resources when you prepare your assignments.
Weekly Resources and Assignments
Review the resources from the Course Resources link, located in the top navigation bar, to prepare for this week’s assignments. The resources may include textbook reading assignments, journal articles, websites, links to tools or software, videos, handouts, rubrics, etc.


Resource/ reference advises by professor

Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families: Evidence-Informed Assessments and Interventions by Michael J. Holosko; Catherine N. Dulmus; Karen M. Sowers
ISBN: 9781118176979
Publication Date: 2013-01-22
Holosko, M. J., Dulmus, C. N., & Sowers, K. M. (2013). Social work practice with individuals and families: Evidence-informed assessments and interventions. Wiley.
Read Chapter 6: Intervention with Adults

Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families: Evidence-Informed Assessments and Interventions⦁  by Michael J. ⦁ Holosko⦁ ; Catherine N. ⦁ Dulmus⦁ ; Karen M. Sowers
ISBN: 9781118176979
Publication Date: 2013-01-22
Holosko, M. J., Dulmus, C. N., & Sowers, K. M. (2013). Social work practice with individuals and families: Evidence-informed assessments and interventions. Wiley.
Read Chapter 6: Intervention with Adults
Empowerment Series: Direct Social Work Practice: Theory and Skills by Glenda Dewberry Rooney; Kim Strom-Gottfried; Ronald Rooney; Jo Ann Larsen; Dean H. Hepworth
ISBN: 9781305633803
Publication Date: 2016-03-07
Hepworth, D. H., Larsen, J. A., Rooney, R. H., Rooney, G. D., & Strom-Gottfried, K. (2016). Empowerment series: Direct social work practice theory and skills (10th ed.). Cengage.
Read Chapter 13: Planning and Implementing Change-Oriented Strategies

The Redshelf book is linked in the course from the Getting Started module under the Table of Contents or from the Bookshelf link on the top navigation bar of the course.
Understanding Depression from Different Paradigms: Toward an Eclectic Social Work Approach
Huang, Y., & Fang, L. (2016). Understanding Depression from Different Paradigms: Toward an Eclectic Work Approach. British Journal of Social Work, 46(3), 756–772.
Understanding Depression from Different Paradigms: Toward an Eclectic Social Work Approach Yu-Te Huang* and Lin Fang Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto, ON, Canada * Correspondence to Yu-Te Huang, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto, 246 Bloor St West, Toronto, ON, M5S 1V4, Canada. E-mail: [email protected] utoronto.cas Abstract Depression is a significant mental health issue that many social workers encounter in their practice. There is great deal of theoretical and empirical knowledge concerning depression that stems from different paradigms. In this paper, we argue for the importance of understanding depression from four paradigms, post-positivism, social constructivism, critical theory and Eastern paradigm, and we illuminate how depression would be known and dealt with by these paradigmatic approaches. Given multiple paradigms available in understanding depression, we argue that social workers need to have the ability to appreciate and discern these different paradigms. Such ability can help strengthen social work practice. We further illustrate an eclectic approach that not only allows social workers to recognise the utilities and limitations of different paradigms, but also enables them to be dynamic, effectively addressing a range of issues when working with a service user who has depression. Keywords: Depression, post-positivism, social constructivism, critical theory, Eastern paradigm, eclectic approach Accepted: November 2015 Introduction Depression can engender substantial emotional and financial burden on the individual, family, community and society (Le´pine and Briley, 2011), and therefore has become an important practice issue encountered by social workers across different settings. Synthesising the knowledge of depression # The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The British Association of Social Workers. All rights reserved.





Psychology Today. (2018). Mindfulness. [Website].

The Mindfulness Explosion: The Perils of Mainstream Acceptance
Wylie, M. S. (2015, January/February). The mindfulness explosion: The perils of mainstream acceptance [Web article]. Psychotherapy Networker.