Sanders PSY 3302 Unit 8 DB

Part 1 DB 8

Identify an assignment in this course that had a positive impact on you. How will you be able to apply the skills you learned from it to gain life and/or career success? I am looking forward to reading these assignments and reading your feedback on the course.


What I want to talk about

stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination which pointed out that each person has a bias



Part 2

Respond to this:

  1. May 

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The assignment that had a positive impact on me was the Chapter 10 Helping and Pro Social Behavior. This was a very sensitive topic to me because I ama very caring and giving person. I do not ask for anything in return when I decide to help others. Humanitarian Assistance is highly important to me. One of the reasons why I want to travel the world is to provide some type of aid to those in need. I have been working with individuals that have some type of impact in education for children in different countries and that is why this chapter was very important to me.

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