Scope Document

Scoping Document for “AUTO INSURANCE”




Prepared by: Your Name
Version: Version Number
Document Id: Reference Number or Document Id
Date: Release Date











Table of Contents
Revisions and Distribution
Project Authorization
Project Sponsor Approval of Scope Statement
Project Authorization
Executive Summary
Business need, opportunities, Objectives
Proposed Solution
Project Deliverables
Anticipated Benefits
Functionality Inclusions
Functionality Exclusion
Completion and acceptance criteria
Risk Assessment
Dependency Linkages
Measures of Project Success
Critical Success Factors

Business Functional Requirements by Group
System Functional Requirements
Planned Approach
Major Milestones – Estimated Schedule
Resource Requirements – Team and Support Resources
Estimated Costs
Checkpoint Funding Schedule
Weekly/Monthly Status and Steering Committee Meetings
Weekly/Monthly Status Reports
Risk Management
Issue Management
Change Management
Communication Management
Project Roles
Project Stakeholders



ID 0.0 Set 23rd, 2022
ID 1.0 Oct 1, 2022

The Project Scope Management Plan from time to time may require updates. ALL amendments to this plan shall be informed to the change control board by use of the change request form and approved by the project change control board prior to distribution. Only revised parts of the plan will be distributed along with the approval and shall be accompanied by instructions how to implement the changes.
The initial page numbering system (to be added upon initial approval) will be a normal continuous numbering displayed in the lower right corner of each page. In the event that pages have to be added, characters shall be added to the number. In case entire pages are deleted, the corresponding page shall be replaced by a blank page stating “page removed”.
Each added/changed page shall have the revision number and date of approval displayed on the bottom of the page.


The Scope Statement will be approved by:
Project Manager
Project Owner
Project Sponsor

Project Changes will be approved by:
Project Owner

Project deliverables will be approved/accepted by:
Project Owner
Project Sponsor
Key Stakeholders

Specific task responsibilities of project resources will be defined in the Project/Work Plan.



The purpose of this document is to provide a vehicle for documenting the planning efforts for the project. It is used to reach a satisfactory level of mutual agreement between the project manager, project sponsors, and all impacted users on the objectives and scope of the project before significant resources are committed and expenses incurred.

Signatures below indicate that the information contained in this document has been reviewed and agreed upon.

ID 0.0 Radhika Doodala Project Manager Oct 1, 2022

All drivers in New York are lawfully expected to have an auto insurance policy with something like 25/50/10 in liability limits alongside a host of extra inclusions. This incorporates: $25,000 bodily injury per individual. $50,000 bodily injury per accident.
You additionally have the choice to grow this fundamental protection. For an extra top notch, you can buy higher inclusion cutoff points of Supplementary Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists (SUM) inclusion of up to $250,000 per individual per accident and $500,000 per accident.
Insurance least necessities
The simplest method for fulfilling New York’s monetary obligation regulation is by buying a vehicle insurance policy. Be that as it may, remember: Getting only the base inclusion cutoff points can assist you with saving money on vehicle insurance, however you’ll be more presented to the monetary dangers of an accident. Here is a gander at what least inclusion offers alongside discretionary insurance:
Bodily injury (BI): On the off chance that you cause a fender bender, this inclusion pays for the other party’s hospital expenses and vehicle fix costs.
Property damage (PD): This inclusion pays for any property damage you cause in a accident.
Personal injury protection (PIP): Otherwise called no-shortcoming insurance, PIP helps pay for your own hospital expenses following a fender bender. You can raise your PIP limits, yet it’s viewed as a different discretionary inclusion and called “additional PIP” or “clinical installments”.
Uninsured motorist bodily injury (UMBI): As its name suggests, this sort of inclusion kicks in when you’re hit by an uninsured driver. It pays for your wounds.
Auto insurance policy is compulsory under the motor vehicle act, while different types of general insurance are discretionary. The law commands that each proprietor of motor vehicle should have the motor insurance policy. The requirement for vehicle insurance of third-party liability towards injury, demise or property damage is obligatory according to the motor vehicle act. Accordingly, vehicle insurance becomes significant as it isn’t just for motor vehicle proprietors to limit the gamble for their vehicle yet for the people who might get harmed or damage and so on because of vehicle hit or so on. The current review illuminates the different kinds of motor vehicle insurance in New York.
To comprehend the requirement for purchasing an auto insurance and the strategy for guaranteeing misfortunes emerging because of motor accidents.
To concentrate on the activities of vehicle motor insurance in New York.
To concentrate on the pretended by NYS
To comprehend various sorts of arrangements covered under motor insurance and Property holder’s insurance.

The main objective of the project is to set up a system to assist individuals in buying an auto insurance for your personal and commercial vehicles. The drivers would not have enough knowledge to directly reach out to the auto insurance providers or choose the affordable premium package. Our agency would be helping drivers by quoting with multiple insurances that we are contracted and pick the cheapest quote for them. We would also provide support in filing a claim, filling MV104 during any accidents or loss runs, following up with insurance for claims, assist in making premium payments to insurance and dmv services like vehicle registration, returning plates etc. On the other end, since it is difficult for the auto insurance companies to directly reach out to the insured for premium, quotes, documents and information we would be a mediator to interact with insured and provide the required information to the insurance. This way we would be charging the customers for the services provided and all get commission from the contracted auto insurance for the policies registered by our brokerage.

The business need/opportunity should be stated in business terms and should include BOTH measurable and non-measurable benefits…each objective should be numbered…

The business objectives should provide an understanding of:
What created the need, or how the opportunity was recognized
The magnitude of the need/opportunity
Contributing factors, such as workload increases or staff reductions, and fiscal constraints
An understanding of the extent to which the need/opportunity would be addressed if an appropriate alternative were implemented
The consequences for the State and its customers if the need or opportunity is not addressed.

Understanding the magnitude of the need or opportunity, the Project Manager will be better able to estimate reasonable amounts of resources to expend in responding to it, and the extent to which a response will resolve it…

A statement of the business vision helps ensure traceability in the project…Business goals and objectives are linked back to the vision, and each project objective is also linked to the business vision…Business objectives can be stated as business measures, such as increasing profits by 20%…

Describe the proposed solution and state how it meets the business goals…
Project objectives describe the proposed solution and help define how the project supports the business objectives. Include such things as:
Solution description.
Benefits of doing the project. Benefits should link back to the business need or opportunity.
The criteria by which the project will be deemed successful by key stakeholders.

Implementation of this new service will reduce operational expenses by $200,000 per year.
This project will be successful if delivered within 10% of the approved budget.

Deliverables are tangible products or things that the project will produce, stated at a high level…they describe what the business clients will get when the project is done…it is important to also state exclusions, or what will NOT be included in the project…deliverables will be detailed elsewhere in the project plan.


Deliverables included:
A new service
Recommendations on new automation
A feasibility study
A new voice response system

Deliverables excluded:
Implementation of the new service
Implementation of the feasibility study recommendations
Maintenance of the new system

2.4 Anticipated Benefits
All projects are attempted because of some perceived business benefit…the benefit could be one of increased revenue, reduction of costs, increase market share, or any other item or combination of items…at the end of the day, there needs to be a justification for spending money on the project…these benefits help to establish that…

The introduction should include a Project Scope Statement…this statement will describe the problem that is being addressed from a SYSTEM perspective…as such, the items that follow are all from a SYSTEM perspective…what is the SYSTEM trying to achieve?…what are the SYSTEM goals and objects?…what are the SYSTEM deliverables?…

3.1 Functionality Inclusions
A system’s proposed solution contains many deliverables…not all deliverables are always implemented immediately…sometimes it takes many iterations…for each of the project deliverables, identify which ones are “In Scope” (i.e., to be implemented in this iterations), and which ones are “Out of Scope” (i.e., to be implemented at a later time)

In this section, describe each specific piece of functionality or elements related to the project that is included within the project…each item should be numbered for reference…

3.2 Functionality Exclusion
A system’s proposed solution contains many deliverables…not all deliverables are always implemented immediately…sometimes it takes many iterations…for each of the project deliverables, identify which ones are “In Scope” (i.e., to be implemented in this iterations), and which ones are “Out of Scope” (i.e., to be implemented at a later time)

In this section, describe each specific piece of functionality or elements related to the project that are NOT included in the project…each item should be numbered…

NOTE: In additional to the write ups in sections 3.1 and 3.2, you could also create a visual of these sections as a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)…the WBS would show the total scope, highlighting components that are in scope and out of scope…


3.3 Completion and Acceptance Criteria
A set of conditions that is required to be met before products are delivered must be created…describe what will be created in terms of deliverables (and their characteristics) and/or what constitutes a successful phase completion….

3.4 Risk Assessment
Describe the top two or three projects risk and a high-level mitigation plan…this brief assessment will be expanded in the formal Risk Management Plan, completed as part of the Project Plan…

3.5 Constraints
Constraints are limiting factors with regard to the product scope…all projects have constraints, and these need to be defined from the outset…projects have resource limits in terms of people, money, time, and equipment…

3.6 Dependency Linkages
In some cases, one project may be dependent upon another project’s deliverables…this linkage needs to be identified and its progress monitored…in other cases, a project may be dependent upon information from several agencies; the tasks and activities of the information gathering process need to monitored…

3.7 Impacts
Explain what the impact of this project is to the organization…for example, organizational change management, retraining, increases/decreases in operating budgets…

3.8 Measures of Project Success
This section describes the metrics that will be used on the project to determine how success will be measured…such metrics might include how to measure customer satisfaction or might state what a “user friendly” system is…

3.9 Assumptions
Project assumptions are factors (with regards to scope) that are considered to be true, real, or certain, without proof or demonstration…Project assumptions need to be defined before project activities take place so that time is not spent on a project that has no basis for funding…for example, support and attention will be provided by the Business Sponsor and the Steering Committee; resources will be available to adequately staff the project, etc..

3.10 Critical Success Factors
Describe those factors that will ensure the success or failure of the project…for example, the Organization Change Management Plan will be accepted, the system infrastructure environment will be adequate, etc..

The items that follow are all from a SYSTEM perspective…what is the SYSTEM trying to achieve?…what are the SYSTEM goals and objects?…what are the SYSTEM deliverables?…

4.1 Business Functional Requirements by Group
Describes by major grouping (i.e., Billing, Maintain Class Information) what the system is supposed to be providing from a business perspective…each major grouping will have a list of requirements and a brief description of what each requirement is…

For example, a major grouping would be “Membership Management.” The list of requirements under this major grouping would be things like:
Record member information
Track and display class schedules
Monitor and display member access to facilities
Generate membership cards

Each bullet item should have a 3 to 4 sentence description of what it means.

4.2 System Functional Requirements
While it is far too early to begin determine what specific hardware and software needs to be purchased and installed, it is not too early to put some parameters around some major system attributes…

For example:
Web Services: does the business want or require a web site?…what about mobile applications?…will you be taking advantage of social media?…if so, how?…
Security and Privacy Requirements: described in terms of physical security and system security…should include any specific sensitive data requirements…should also discuss the various roles and responsibilities of the people using the system to determine any specific role based security requirements…physical system security requirements should also be discussed…
Recovery: in the event of a major system failure, how long can the business run without the system?…what functions needs to be available first?…are the plans to run the business without the system in the event of a major system failure?…
System Availability and Reliability: describes the time when the application must be available for use…also, what are the projected peak times by user group?…is there a more acceptable time to bring the system down for maintenance or upgrades?…
General Performance: what is the expected response time for queries and updates?…what are the expected volumes of transactions by month?…day?…hour?…
Capacity: not in terms of system memory requirements or disk space; but volumes and growth trends…

Each bullet item should have a 3 to 4 sentence description of what it means…


5.1 Planned Approach
Describe how the project will be implemented….for example, discuss phasing, outsourcing plans, or the hiring of temporary resources, creation of various testing environments, etc….


6.1 Major Milestones – Estimated Schedule
Major project milestones are estimated…when the Final Scope Document is agreed to, these milestones are no longer considered estimates, but are then committed dates…

Project Kick Off 05/06/22 Planning and reviewing
Milestone 2 05/20/22 Executing project
Milestone 3 07/14/22 Finishing up project
Completion 08/01/22 Deliver and training

6.2 Resource Requirements – Team and Support Resources
Not all resources required are known at the scope statement development stage of a project…team and support resources may be estimated, however, based on what is known about the deliverables and the approach. Resource assumptions are stated here as well…

You need to provide a line by line description and explanation of each item…

The following personnel resources are required to complete this project:


Identify any resource assumptions…

6.2 Estimated Costs
As with major milestones, costs are estimates during the creation of the Scoping Document…when the Final Scope Document is agreed to, these initial costs no longer considered estimates, but are then committed cost…costs may vary during the course of a project…but the budget is then managed outside of this document…

You need to provide a line by line description and explanation of each item…




Typical project controls are Steering Committee Meetings, Monthly Status Reports, Risk Management assessment and mitigation planning and monitoring, Issue Management, Change Management, and Communication Management…

7.1 Checkpoint Funding Schedule
It is recommended that the project identify project checkpoints or phase review hold points based on specific project events…for example, end of business assessment phase, or some System Development Life Cycle phases, are logical checkpoints…

7.2 Weekly/Monthly Status and Steering Committee Meetings
A schedule should be created with dates for regularly scheduled status and steering committee meetings…the schedule should include the topic, the required audience, the optional audience, the frequency with dates, and the owner (i.e., who is responsible for setting up and managing the meeting)…

7.3 Weekly/Monthly Status Reports
A schedule should be created with dates for regularly scheduled weekly/monthly status reporting…the schedule should the audience required to receive the reports, the optional audience to receive the reports, the frequency with dates, and the owner (i.e., who is responsible for creating and distribution the reports)…

7.4 Risk Management
All risks to the project need to be documents…this will help to ensure the success of the project…the project risks and associated mitigation actions are monitored and controlled in accordance with the Risk Management Plan…
Every risk should have:
RISK ID NUMBER: each risk should be given its own number for easier reference…
IDENTIFIED RISK: explain the risk…
PROBABILITY: the probability that this risk will occur…these are typically HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, INFORMATIONAL…
MITIGATION PLAN: how we plan on dealing with the risk if the worst happens…

7.5 Issue Management
Project-related issues will be tracked, prioritized, assigned, resolved, and communicated in accordance with the Project Management Procedures:
Issue descriptions, owners, resolution and status will be maintained on an issues database in a standard format.
Issues will be addressed with the Project Owner and communicated in the project status report.

7.6 Change Management
The change control procedures to be followed will be consistent with Project Management Procedures and consist of the following processes:
A Change Control database will be established by the project manager to track all changes associated with the project effort.
All Change Requests will be assessed to determine possible alternatives and costs.
Change Requests will be reviewed and approved by the project owner.
The effects of approved Change Requests on the scope and schedule of the project will be reflected in updates to the project plan.
The Change Control database will be updated to reflect current status of Change Requests.

7.7 Communication Management
The following strategies have been established to promote effective communication within and about this project:
The Project Manager presents the project status to the Project Owner on a weekly basis; however, ad hoc meetings will be established at the project manager’s discretion as issues or change control items arise. The project manager provides a written status report to the Project Owner on a monthly basis and distributes the project team meeting minutes. The Project Owner will be notified via email on all urgent issues. Issue notification will include time constraints, and impacts, which will identify the urgency of the request for service.
The project team will have weekly update/status meetings to review completed tasks and determine current work priorities. Minutes will be produced from all meetings.
The project manager will provide the project sponsors with project team minutes and steering committee status reports.
A project collaborate web site will be established on the Internet to provide access to the project documentation by geographically dispersed project members.

Provide any additional relevant project details here or links to supporting material

As discussions take place for the project, various business and technical terms are used…these terms should be noted and defined inside this document…this will help to insure that everyone involved in the project is working from the same definition of terms…

With every project, it is important for expectations to be set for everyone involved…providing these definitions in the Scope Document, allows participants to ask questions regarding their role and expectations…adjustments should be made as required…

10.1 Project Roles
The following role definitions are being applied to the resources assigned to this project:

Project Sponsor
Provides executive team approval and sponsorship for the project. Has budget ownership for the project and is the major stakeholder and recipient for the project deliverables.

Project Owner Provides policy definition to the Project team. Resolves all policy issues with the appropriate policy owners in order to provide a clear, decisive definition. Makes final decisions and resolves conflicts or issues regarding project expectations across organizational and functional areas. The project owner and the project manager have a direct link for all communication. The project manager will work directly with the project owner on all policy clarification.

Project Manager Provides overall management to the project. Accountable for establishing a Project Charter, developing and managing the work plan, securing appropriate resources and delegating the work and insuring successful completion of the project. All project team members report to the project manager. Handles all project administrative duties, interfaces to project sponsors and owners and has overall accountability for the project.

Steering Committee Provide assistance in resolving issues that arise beyond the project manager’s jurisdiction. Monitor project progress and provide necessary tools and support when milestones are in jeopardy.

Stakeholder Key provider of requirements and recipient of project deliverable and associated benefits. Deliverable will directly enhance the stakeholders’ business processes and environment. Majority of stakeholders for this project will be agency heads, CIO’s and project management representatives.

Team Member Working project team member who analyzes, designs and ultimately improves or replaces the business processes. This includes collaborating with teams to develop high level process designs and models, understanding best practices for business processes and partnering with team members to identify appropriate opportunities, challenging the old rules of the business and stimulating creating thinking, and identifying organizational impact areas.


10.2 Project Stakeholders
The following people have been identified as project stakeholders. Also listed, is the stakeholder role.