section 1


Section 1.4 in the text outlines the Key skills of the Project Manager.

1) Albert Einsiedel  (Links to an external site.) discussed leader-sensitive projects and defined five characteristics of an effective project leader. These characteristics were chosen based on some assumptions about projects. These characteristics include the project environment, which is often a matrix organization that results in role ambiguity, role conflict, and role erosion. The project environment is often a fluid environment in which decisions are made with little information. List the   five characteristics of an effective project leader. 

2) Additionally, Hans Thamhain  (Links to an external site.) researched the training of project managers and, based on the finding, categorized project management into three distinct skills.   List the three.

3) How do you relate to all 8 of these skills? 

How do you stack up?

What are your strengths and weaknesses?