Seven Years War & Stamp Act


Question 1 – Seven Years War: If you had lived in the colonies during the Seven Years War, would you have supported Great Britain in this war? Imagine you lived in either New England or New York or South Carolina, how would this influence your choice? Remember there is nothing like an American patriotic identity like today. You would be fighting for other reasons; what do you think they would be? Also, support is not just signing up to fight but also supplying troops, providing information to one side or the other, etc.  Thus, the question is relevant for both men and women as the support of both groups are needed in war.

Question 2 – Reaction to Stamp Act:  After reading about the colonists’ reaction to the Stamp Act, what do you think about such reactions? I would specifically like for you to comment on the burning of effigy of political officials, the attack on the governor of Massachusetts’ house, and colonists openly defying the Stamp Act. Were such actions justified or were the colonists out of line? Were such actions necessary to demonstrate the colonists’ resentment toward the Stamp Act or were the colonists acting like ungrateful subjects of the British Empire? Remember there is no such identity as an American patriotic identity in America-yet.