Shakespeare in Love

Viewing Instructions

  • Watch the movie Shakespeare in Love from Miramax Pictures.
  • View the film for free here: Shakespeare in Love (Links to an external site.).
  • High resolution versions of the film are available for rent or free with subscription on the following streaming platforms: Showtime, Hulu, fuboTV, YouTube, Vudu, Showtime Anytime.
  • After viewing the movie, respond to the topics/questions below based on the elements of theatre we have been studying in this module. 
  • Choose 4 out of the 8 response options and respond to your 4 topics/questions of choice in 3-4 sentences EACH. DO NOT respond in only 3-4 sentences total. 

Response Options

  1. Creativity is discovery. Cite and explain an example from the movie where a character made a discovery that they used in creating or performing in Romeo and Juliet.
  2. Creativity is technique. Cite and explain an example from the movie where a character used technique to accomplish something in life or in the performance of Romeo and Juliet.
  3. Creativity involves a burning curiosity, the power of concentration on tasks, the ability to create order when others see chaos, ability to find options and a willingness to take risks and fail. Site and explain one example from the movie in which a character used one of these methods to enhance their creativity.
  4. Environments can limit or enhance creativity. In the movie, Viola discovers a truth about Shakespeare’s past. When he has a chance to explain, he tells Viola about the situation or environment in his life that limited his individuality and creativity that he came to London to escape. What was that situation/environment? Explain.
  5. Being judgmental and overly critical of others can diminish creativity. In the movie, Richard Burbage becomes extremely angry and critical of Shakespeare when he discovers that Shakespeare gave Henslow the script he promised to Burbage. Later on in the movie, in the spirit of creativity and mutual respect for his fellow artists, what does Burbage do? Explain.
  6. Creativity takes time and often involves the need to adjust one’s schedule. In the movie, Shakespeare got behind on his writing deadline for Romeo and Juliet because he was seeking creative inspiration elsewhere. What “schedule adjustment” did Shakespeare make to obtain this inspiration? In other words, what was Shakespeare doing that prevented him from completing the play before rehearsals began? Explain.
  7. Theatre is live! It is happening in the immediate moment, so anything can happen. Site and explain an example during the performance of Romeo and Juliet portrayed in the movie where a decision had to be made in the moment in order that the show could continue.
  8. Impersonization is when an actor creates life on the stage. The actor plays a character and that character becomes a living human being that you as an audience member believe and identify with. Cite an example from the movie when a character had apparent life and you, as the audience member, believed the authenticity of the performance. Explain why this moment in the life of the character affected you the way it did. How was this moment more than just mindless entertainment or “a bit with the dog?”