should use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according
to a discipline-appropriate citation method. Page-length requirements: 2–4 pages. answer the following
:Sport facility managers are involved with the marketing, sales, and implementation of advertising in a sport facility. In terms of the major goals of sport facility advertising, discuss a minimum of three of the new inventories of signage that you can utilize to maximize advertising sales in a sport facility. Include in your description how you would implement that signage without destroying the appearance and integrity of the infrastructure.:
Please note the prompt says A MINIMUM OF 3 ideas. What does this mean? It means that 3 is your starting point and earns a basic grade. To score higher, include other ideas. Remember to use scholarly sources, Sport facility managers are involved with the marketing, sales, and implementation of advertising in a sport facility. In terms of the major goals of sport facility advertising, discuss a minimum of three of the new inventories of signage that you can utilize to maximize advertising sales in a sport facility. Include in your description how you would implement that signage without destroying the appearance and integrity of the infrastructure.