
NASA is planning a mission to send a crew of astronauts to Mars. They’ve issued a $1.2 million grant ( ) to researchers to explore the health and teamwork of astronauts during space exploration missions. Astronaut explorations are not only a good example of the importance of team- and conflict-related issues, but a lot of the leadership topics that we’ve talked about thus far.

Instructions: 2 pages, double spaced, 12 font

Read the article attached, written by some of the researchers who are working on the NASA grants. As you read through the article, develop an analysis of how the concepts the authors talk about relate to the content of the module (teams and conflict), as well as the content from the other modules. Discuss what you can learn about organizations, leadership influence, motivation, goals, etc. from the article.

1. When I say analysis, I mean that you should draw connections among ideas that are presented in the article as well as in class. Analysis does not mean pointing to part of the article and saying X is a good example of power.

2. You should also evaluate (develop judgments about the value of the materials) and synthesize (reorganize elements into a new pattern or structure) the materials.