
Hypothetical exercise. Imagine you received the following request from somebody you know, and you need to write short stories about when the person was the best. You are writing stories as a current and former colleague, boss, neighbor. The question you need to answer with these stories:

I am asking people who know me well to provide me stories of when I was at my best in their eyes. What was my positive contribution in each story?

Current manager – 1 story

Neighbor – 1 story

Previous colleague – 2 story

Friend – 3 story


Here are some samples

XXX (co-worker)

You have the ability to take a task, provide results and then demonstrate them to the team. You have done an excellent job with every challenge that has been thrown your way. For example: QBO payroll– You have had to learn the ropes of a new accounting and payroll model and teach what you have learned to the team. You have great communication skills and your laid back demeanor allows you to deliver your message with an open door for feedback. You do a great job and are a pleasure to work with.


XXX (boss)

You are unafraid of hard work. You met the challenge head on and are succeeding at all three. You accept challenges without hesitation. When our software provider gave a deadline for a huge change in the way our clients interface with our company, you were among the first to volunteer to lead the conversion. And when the plan abruptly took a turn to implement new software for our clients in addition to converting our system, you took it in stride and considered it a challenge (or, as I remember it, “fun”) to add another project inside an already critical one. And now we are converting clients as per the agreed upon schedule under the direction of XXXXX and yourself. I am confident we will meet the looming deadlines largely because of great confidence we have in your guys’ problem-solving abilities.


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