Study Questions

M6Study Questions


Kazdin, A.E. (2021). Single-case research designs: Methods for clinical and applied settings. New York: Oxford University Press.


Chapter 7:

  1. Describe the multiple-baseline design. What are the major features? How is the multiple-baseline design conducted?
  2. How does the multiple baseline design control threats to internal validity that are characterized by the extraneous factors of history and maturation?
  3. Describe each of the five variations of the multiple-baseline design mentioned by Kazdin in this chapter. Define, describe, and provide an example of each.


Design variation Definition Description Example
Multiple baseline across individuals      
Multiple baseline across situations, settings, or time      
Concurrent and non- concurrent baselines      
Number of baselines      
Partial applications of the intervention      



  1. What are some potential ethical and applied problems and limitations of the multiple-baseline design?
  2. How might one avoid the problems that may result from prolonged baselines?
  3. What are probe assessments, and how can they be used in baseline assessments?
  4. What advantages of the multiple-baseline design allow for use within the applied setting?
  5. How is the effectiveness of an intervention demonstrated in the multiple-baseline design?
  6. In summary, multiple-baseline designs demonstrate the effects of an intervention by presenting the intervention to each of several different ______________ at different points in ___________. A clear effect is evident if __________________________________________________________________________.

Several different variations of the design exist, depending primarily whether the multiple-baseline data are collected across ________________, __________________, ______________, ______________ or _______________________.





Sarokoff, R. A., & Sturmey, P. (2004). The effects of behavioral skills training on staff implementation of discrete‐trial teaching. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis37(4), 535-538.


  1. A __________________ _________________ ____________________ package was used to train 3 teachers to correctly implement __________________ _________________ ___________________.
  2. In this study, what was the:
    1. Independent variable:_________________________
    2. Dependent variable:___________________________
  3. The training package consisted of:________________, ______________, _______________, and _____________________.
  4. After reading the abstract, would you conclude that the training was effective? Why?
  5. The participants were ____________________ and one________________.
  6. Training took place in_____________________________.
  7. A _________________ _______________ design across___________________ was used.
  8. Describe how the design was implemented:


The trends in the baseline for the three participants were as follows:

Teacher 1 (select one of the following)




Teacher 2 (select one of the following)




Teacher 3 (select one of the following)





What was the level and trend of the data for participant 1 during post-training that would indicate that treatment could be started for participant 2?



What was the level and trend of the data showing for participant 2 that would indicate that treatment could be started for participant 3?




  1. What was the trend in the baseline data for participant 3 that indicated the treatment could be started?



  1. The dependent measure was correct usage of d_________________ t________________.
  2. How was the percentage of correct responses calculated?




  1. What was the formula for calculating interobserver agreement?



  1. RESULTS: During baseline all teachers showed l______ performance, and following training all 3 teachers showed a l__________________ i__________________ in implementing discrete-trial teaching.


  1. How could we conclude that there was a functional relationship between the independent and dependent variables in this study (HINT: With the implementation of the multiple baseline design, when did you see an improvement in the target behavior?)

The improvement in targeted behavior was seen when and only when_____________________________________________________________