3 pts
Well-spoken, professional, and clearly organized. Speaks in English with a strong voice and clear pronunciation with no grammar issues. Strong, upbeat, delivery with a vocal inflection that engages the audience throughout; very professional. Little to no fillers. The speaker is relaxed, confident, dressed in their lab coat with their ID, and prepared.
2 pts
Average oral presentation delivery and logically organized. Speaks in English with minor pronunciation issues and grammatical errors. Vocal inflection is strong throughout, engages the audience, and is professional. Little to no fillers. The speaker is relaxed, confident, dressed in their lab coat with their ID, and prepared.
1 pts
Casual oral presentation delivery that is sometimes unclear with some errors in pronunciation and grammar. Speaks in English, but is difficult to understand. Vocal inflection is not strong throughout, does not engage audience, and is too casual at times. There are numerous pauses and fillers. The speaker is not relaxed, confidence is lacking, they are not dressed in their lab coat, and/or are not prepared.
0 pts
Poor oral presentation delivery. The speaker is inaudible or pronunciation is so poor they cannot be understood. Multiple grammar errors create confusion. Vocal inflection is poor and does not engage the audience. Pauses and fillers make it difficult to follow the speech. The speaker is not dressed appropriately and lacks in confidence and preparation.