Week 2 Assignment: Parallel Programming jan 31

1. How does parallel processing work in computer architecture? 2. What does Amdahl’s law state? What is Amdahl’s law and why it is used? 3. What are the applications of parallel processing in computer architecture? 4. What are the challenges in parallel processing in computer architecture? 5. Identify reasons for and consequences of the recent switch … Read more

professional success 4

 Consider the skills that you have: Identify two (2) skills you have developed through experience, as well as two (2) skills that are natural to you. How do you believe that these skills help you in your career? What additional skills do you need to develop to be successful? Explain your answers.

institutional correction 4

 Several women’s prisons have nurseries for inmate’s babies. Comment on whether similar programs should be offered to the inmate fathers. If so, how would it be structured? If not, why not? 

Critical Appraisal of a Qualitative Research Study

  Directions: Initial Post: For your initial post, select one current nursing qualitative research article that can be translated into evidence-based practice. Review the article and complete the worksheet provided. Your analysis will include the required elements of the research process. Identify the steps or elements of the study. Determine the strengths and limitations of … Read more

Types of Memory

Question 1 Application of Amdahl’s Law: Answer the following two questions and show your work: What is the overall speedup if you make 15% of a program 85 times faster? What is the overall speedup if you make 85% of a program 15 times faster  Question 2 Consider a dynamic RAM that must be given … Read more

Programming jan 28

Instructions Make sure to work through the notebooks in the Reading Assignment first.  This homework is not related to Simulations directly. The goal is to make sure you are comfortable programming basic Python code using Jupyter Notebooks. Start early, ask questions. Watch video presentation for extra help. Your entire homework description is contained in the … Read more


How does the APRN Consensus Document substantiate the continued evolution of advanced nursing roles? Explain in detail from the perspective of your concentration (FNP, Educator, or Administration)

MD6 Assignment

 REFLECTING ON YOUR EDUCATIONAL SPECIALIST JOURNEY Throughout this course, you have been given an opportunity to reflect on what you have accomplished in your educational journey at Walden University and to think about how you will harness your knowledge and skills to contribute to educational and social change. At the conclusion of each module, you … Read more