Marc chagall

What are some of Marc Chagall’s key biographical information? What made the artist notable in the context of history? What influences, cultural artifacts and art works contributed to their art making journey? What media did the artist use and why? what technological or material advances were relevant to the artist’s work?

Marc Chagall

What are some of Marc Chagall’s key biographical information? What made the artist notable in the context of history? What influences, cultural artifacts and art works contributed to their art making journey? What media did the artist use and why? what technological or material advances were relevant to the artist’s work?


 discuss how  “The Banjo Lesson” painting SPEAKS to YOU about your WORLD, YOURSELF, or something you are going through.  If the work of art changed how you THINK or EXPERIENCE the world, talk about how it inspired you or gave you a new lens to look through 

discussion question

The art of ancient Egypt is based upon the qualities of timelessness and permanence.  If our present-day culture defines itself in contrast to these two ideals, what has taken their place?  What is lost and what is gained by your choices?

Art – answer the following two questions based on video What did you learn about the Buddha or Buddhism that you didn’t already know? How might knowing more about the Buddha’s life help you better understand Buddhist art and architecture? ————————————- Answer questions based on videos What is the “medium” or materials … Read more

ARTH, art, ancient greek

Answer the following questions. Use this as an opportunity to reflect on the reading, make critical connections, and apply your understanding of a text to other instances.t  500 words to meet the minimum standards.  1. How do you interpret the God’s intervention (or lack thereof) in the battle? Does this seem fair?  2. If you were … Read more


DUE IN 7 HOURS CHOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING TOPICS MAX 2000-2500 WORDS Research on the most influential architects and sculptors of Baroque style in Rome (Bernini and Borromini) and compare their style, and their works with the most important artists who worked in Florence (Ammanati and Giambologna).  Giovanni Michelucci was considered one of the … Read more