
  Create a new thread for each posting.  Use correct, complete sentences, in paragraph format, unless otherwise instructed. Use assigned course materials to complete discussion responses. Use in-text citations and a Reference List in APA format to cite the course resource(s) used – an in-text citation cannot exist without a corresponding Reference List, and a … Read more


  Review Content modules: Writing Introductory Sentences and Paragraphs Writing Concluding Paragraphs How to Support Arguments and Positions Tips for Formatting and Structuring Parts 1 and 2: Write in complete sentences in paragraph format. Use in-text citations citing to relevant assignment materials.  Label parts as appropriate.    Double-space; 12-point Arial or Times Roman font. Introductory … Read more


 Instructions General Instructions for Learning Activities    Read/watch all assigned materials listed for the week in the Course Content Cite to assigned materials in all responses in Learning Activities Use only assigned materials to complete Learning Activities; do not use the internet unless otherwise instructed Include in-text citations and a Reference List for in-text citations   … Read more


  Purpose: This project requires you to identify and assess legal issues, apply the law to the facts and make recommendations.  The issues relate to the concepts and assigned materials covered in weeks 1, 2, and 3.   This project will guide you in preparing a PowerPoint presentation. This project meets the following course outcomes: recommend appropriate … Read more


 Instructions General Instructions for Learning Activities    Read/watch all assigned materials listed for the week in the Course Content Cite to assigned materials in all responses in Learning Activities Use only assigned materials to complete Learning Activities; do not use the internet unless otherwise instructed Include in-text citations and a Reference List for in-text citations   … Read more


  Use correct, complete sentences, in paragraph format, unless otherwise instructed. Use assigned course materials to complete discussion responses. Use in-text citations and a Reference List in APA format to cite the course resource(s) used – an in-text citation cannot exist without a corresponding Reference List, and a Reference List cannot exist without a corresponding … Read more


  Background Facts You Need To Know: Viral Clean (Clean) is incorporated and located in Maryland, but it engages in business in all Mid-Atlantic states. Clean uses its line of disinfectant and cleaning products, and it also sells its products to other companies via the internet. Recently, the Delaware legislature enacted a law banning all sales … Read more