Although  Robert Yin and  Robert Stake base their approaches to case studies on a constructivist paradigm (researcher and participant are in close collaboration), they offer different definitions and approaches. *Introduction, Title Headings & Conclusion * 1) Define case study qualitative research design  2) What are the Yin and Stake approaches?   3) Which one do … Read more

five guys case study questions

needed by tomorrow 2/6 if possible by 6pm   Five Guys Case Questions Questions for Five Guys: Developing a Promotional Strategy for the Future How critical to a company’s success is the use of traditional promotional media such as TV radio, and print advertising? Evaluate Five Guys’ promotional strategy. Develop a future promotion strategy (or … Read more

Elon Musk’s Twitter Deal Case Study

 Using the information provided in Twitter’s 10-K form, estimate a reasonable revenue growth rate and cost of capital for the company. Develop your estimates based on historical trends, market dynamics, and broader industry conditions. Some relevant data is provided in the accompanying Excel file, but additional information may need to be sourced independently through online … Read more

Applied system thinking

  Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The similarity report that is provided when you submit your task … Read more

Marketing case study- Andre Rieu

Please see intructions last minute need help – guidance. This is a journal entry      Criterion 1: Answer the Question. Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the issues in the case that relate to the question. One way to do this is to think of yourself as a consultant who has been hired to address … Read more

excel case 2- build a model

 Needed by 12/7 Please complete the Ch12 P10, build a model Excel spreadsheet attached, and upload it to Canvas. build a model (spreadsheet) attached document- You can refer to the tool kit below to learn how to complete the assignment.  Ch. 12 tool kit- (attached document)

Pediatric case study

Addresses the following prompts using evidence-based references to support your answers: Summarize the case. What is your provisional diagnosis, as well as the possible      differentials? Justify your answer with DSM-5 criteria (be short, brief and to the      point). Is Ava too young to diagnose, or is there a basis for early      identification and intervention? What … Read more

Wk 3 discussion: implementing change

epare Review the case study, Sage Business Cases – Longhorn Airlines: Flying Through Turbulent Times. Respond Using the case study from the discussion preparation, respond to the following: Discuss how an organization can utilize incentive pay to achieve organizational goals and propose the best option for Longhorn Airlines. What challenges might the top management team … Read more

Case Study Peds/SOAP note

Read the following case study: Delaware Department of Education. Case Vignette – Joshua. https://www.doe.k12.de.us/cms/lib/DE01922744/Centricity/Domain/472/Case%20Vignette%20Joshua.pdf Complete a SOAP Note and treatment plan based on the information provided.