Admin Law 3

  Congress has recently passed the Social Security Fairness Act (SSFA), which provides that, effective immediately, all social security benefits will be means tested. Congress has charged the Social Security Administration (SSA) to implement the Act (assume the Act meets the intelligible principle test). The Act provides the following schedule for means testing, but allows … Read more

“Legal Research” Cornell Law School LII

Introduce yourself to the class and share your strengths and weaknesses in terms of research and writing as you begin this course. Explain in your own words the concepts of federalism, commander in chief powers, congressional powers, judicial review, and separation of powers. How has your understanding of the concepts in question 2 changed after … Read more

Admin Law 1

  You work for a firm that represents ABC Bank, a major U.S. banking institution. The company’s primary lines of business include banking, annuities, insurance and securities. ABC’s CEO has contacted your law firm to help with a variety of issues pertaining to specific rules that have been passed by various administrative agencies. Your client … Read more