pn2 dis7

 Compare and contrast risk factors, age of onset, pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. What do you think is the most important topic that must be taught to the diabetic patient and why? 

maternal 6

  Toddlers have behavioral characteristics that often present challenging situations for parents and/or caregivers. Describe challenges parents and/or caregivers would encounter with these specific characteristics. Temperament Nutritional Barriers Hygiene, Activity Sleep

pn2 post

  .J., a 30-year-old African American client, is in his last year of law school and is clerking for a prestigious law firm. He and his fiancé plan to marry as soon as he graduates. During the last week he has had four dizzy spells and a headache at the base of his skull upon … Read more

pn2 dis 4

 Think of a situation from clinical when the Provider needed to be informed of a change in patient condition. Using ISBARR write what you would report to the Provider. You can use the ISBARR form for guidance 

Martenal discusion 4

  Case Study: A client had an SVD (spontaneous vaginal delivery) today. The labor and delivery nurse gives you a shift report and notes the client is RH Negative and her infant is RH Positive. Discuss the drug RhoGAM (immune globulin), including: Route Nursing Implications Indications for Use Contraindications for Use

pn2 project

  Clinical Question – Formulate a clinical question using the PICOT format. P: Patient Population I: Intervention or area on Interest C: Comparison intervention or group O: Outcome T: Time

pn2 discusion2

  Mr. Sweet, 38 years old, is brought to the Emergency Department unresponsive. He has a history of Type 1 diabetes and has been sick for the last 3 days. On admission his Blood sugar is 532, Potassium is 7.2 and ABG results include pH 7.08, Bicarb 12, and CO2 28. His VS are HR … Read more