Adverse Childhood Experiences

Prior to starting this discussion, please explore Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)site.,  Finding Your ACE Score for the client you selected in the Week 1 Choose Your Client discussion forum. Complete it based on what you have been able to find out about your client’s childhood and whether your client experienced any of the events detailed … Read more

Discussion 10

Should profit be a consideration when it comes to depriving someone of their liberty? How can we morally justify the for-profit probation companies that exist in states such as Georgia, Florida and Alabama? If we are truly creatures with complete freewill, how do you ethically justify incarceration and other punishments for criminal offenders? Conversely, if … Read more

Discussion 9

Read the attached article and visit . Discuss some of the potential ethical issues posed by judges using social media. Should judges be permitted to be social media ‘friends’ with law enforcement officers and lawyers (both of which may appear before them in court) on social media networks? Why? Why not? 200+ words.

Discussion 8

  First of all, read the following webpage and the two short articles attached:  “How could you defend someone you know is guilty?” How would you deal with the ethical issues involved in being a criminal defense attorney? For example, how would you reconcile defending a client you knew or even thought to be guilty? … Read more

Origins of Crime: Biological, Developmental, or Situational

Prior to beginning the assignment, review Chapters 4 and 5 in your textbook, where risk factors for criminal behavior are covered from a biological, developmental, and situational perspective. Keeping your own “client” in mind (TED BUNDY), please read the chapters, and in this assignment include the following: Assess the role (briefly) that all three (biological, … Read more

Criminal Justice

  In at least four (4) pages, identify a category of crime, provide a specific example of the elements of the offense from your state (or state of your choosing) and discuss the investigative approaches and choices that an investigator would most likely consider when conducting an investigation. In your paper: (1) identify the category … Read more

Criminal Justice Policy

 MUST BE APA FORMAT , WITH AT LEAST 5 SCHOLARLY SOURCES (PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU USE THE CHAPTER ATTACHED AS YOUR MAIN SOURCE)  THERE SHOULD BE TWO SEPARATE POINTS BIBLICAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL   For this Discussion, interact in a free-flowing discussion of the  biblical and constitutional parameters for the particular policy focus  being discussed in … Read more

Human Trafficking-Journal WK 1

 Each of your answers should be written using your own words. Do not copy and paste from your textbook or an Internet source. Simply copying from the book word-for-word does not show me that you understand the concepts. Ensure you cite your work and add reference(s) at the end of your journal. This assignment is … Read more

Criminal justice (CJT202)

  Discussion: In the first required reading  “Crimes Against Persons, Property, and Society – Fall 2019”, the FBI  identifies a broad category of offenses that “represent society’s  prohibition against engaging in certain types of activity and are  typically victimless crimes.” (FBI, 2019). If you look at the offense  groups in the reading, you will see … Read more