
  Research two high-profile terrorists and one criminal who is not a terrorist. 1,000-1,250 words address the following using the proper terminology of the industry. 1.Comprise an overview of each of the three criminals and their crimes.  2.Delineate the psychosocial profile elements by applying five psychosocial observations to each criminal and explaining whether or not … Read more

Staff Study Introductory Chapter Submission/NO PLAGARISM PROFESSOR USES TURNITIN

Submitting the introductory chapter on a Criminal Justice Topic The student will then write and submit the introduction chapter and a reference list that will: Define the relevant organizational problem you have selected to examine. This is a critical first step because the entire staff study is based on the identification of the problem. Discuss … Read more

DB #3

  DUE BY: Saturday 10am September 17,2022 Discussion Board: Qualitative Data Collection 500 Words Discussion Articulate the importance and usefulness of focus groups. Compare and contrast the role of ethnographies and case studies in data collection. Include Bible perspectives, conclusion, references

Assignment # 3

   Developing Research Questions Assignment Instructions Due Date:by Wednesday September 7, 2022 NO LATE WORK!!!! Instructions This paper requires you to create research questions based upon the literature review and annotated bibliography research. 1. Think about your current understanding (working theory) of a research issue of interest to you in the criminal justice field (here … Read more

DB #2 Developing Qualitative Research Questions

   Discussion Board #2 Developing Qualitative Research Questions DUE BY: By Tuesday September 6, 2022 NO LATE WORK!!!! 500 WORD COUNT    Instructions Thread Each original thread must have a title-header, a subtitle for each discussion question, a minimum length of 500 words, at least two citations (scholarly articles, and incorporate ideas and citations from … Read more

Discussion Post

  Please respond to the following in a substantive post:  Define the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine.  Explain how effective you think the fruit of poisonous tree doctrine is in protecting defendants’ Fourth Amendment rights.

discussion post

  This week, you will begin your study of the Constitution and its impact on criminal law in the United States. Focus your discussion on the following: Identify 4 constitutional amendments that you believe have had the most impact on criminal law. Why did you choose these particular amendments? Which of the four do you … Read more

DB #1

  Discussion board #1 Motives of A Serial Killer Discuss the various strategies for determining the appropriate qualitative research method for a particular study. If you were to do a qualitative study for your dissertation, what approach/design would you choose, and why? Provide specific examples from the required reading and other credible sources. DUE BY 10am … Read more

Criminal Justice Paper

  In at least three (3) pages, identify a category of crime, provide a specific example of the elements of the offense from your state (or state of your choosing) and discuss the investigative approaches and choices that an investigator would most likely consider when conducting an investigation. In your paper: (1) identify the category … Read more